Book of Travels Wiki Outline

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Take note, Khelim!
Spoiler frog.png This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

This page is a candidate for deletion.
Reason: "I believe this page has been rendered obsolete by other pages, such as the Community Portal, and Admin portal. Either way, this page has not received a significant update since 2021. (Mossy)"

Help us design the Wiki by categorizing the lore, NPCs, and enemies. Each header is a major page that links to the pages listed beneath. Please add suggestions to the bottom of the page and an update underneath it if you update anything.


Book of Travels (Game Information Page)

New Player Guide (Getting Started)

Player Character



These lists have been defined by how Book of Travels defines an item in their code based on their 2D Texture files.

Braided Shore (Locations)






Please feel free to add any suggestions here. For formatting suggestions, please include a title for your suggestion using Sub-Heading 2 and if you update, use Sub-Heading 3. Thank you!

More about enemies

- Dangerous spirits:

- Sprites and small spirits:


Changed Sefra Enemies to be Spirits, Added Shades, Maisu, Kettem, Tempest Kettem, Mares to Spirit Enemies, Added Spirits to NPCs, Added Sefra, Omin, Ghosts to NPC Spirits, Added Dukhon, Egi Tegi, Morak Ghul, Borion, Stone Omin, Shrub Omin to Omin Spirits.

Customization Name Change

Change the name of Customization to Player Character so as not to cause confusion about the new customization changes


Changed Customization to Player Character.

Add Talent Types to Talent

Add each type of talent under Talents - so physical, mechanical, spiritual, and social.


Added Sociality, Physicality, Spirituality, Mechanics to Talents.

Combine Enemies and NPCs


Moved the Enemies category into NPCs, since enemies are technically NPCs. It may also be better to not label any NPC as an 'enemy' directly, but instead within the NPCs page specify if they can be encountered as either friendly, enemy, or both. - monotonist


Trimmed down the outline to represent the structure we discussed in the discord, and also linked everything so we can see what pages and categories need to be made. - monotonist