NPCs that are permanent or recurring only on this map
…But do you know what temptations dwell beyond this gate? If only the Hesem could speak…
An expanse of dense woodland is home to a magnificent lake, also known for its renowned teahouse called The Voice's Tavern. This location can be reached from various entrances: Crescent Link, Harrow Ledge, The Burnings, and West Wind Shores.
Kitchen: Building behind The Voices' Tavern
Events only seen in this area
Events not specific to this area
Events of unusual occurrence
NPCs that are permanent or recurring only on this map
NPCs that are permanent or recurring only on this map
NPCs that do not appear all the time and show up in other areas
NPCs that do not appear all the time and show up in other areas
Day 34 -- I was curious to get past the guardian standing post by the gate… But what he told me about the 'Hesem' that infested the woods around the Voices' tavern sent shivers down my spine. Instead, I decided to travel South and explore the region named "The Burnings"… Possibly I'll detour to the city of Myr to buy supplies and send some of my diary notes home with a message falcon or a post warden…