Hunter and the Deer

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The Uncanny Deer cannot be petted and you cannot exchange a Pet treat with them.


  • Perplexed Hunter
  • Bored Hunting Dog
  • Uncanny Deer



You can exchange 1 Pet treat with the Bored Hunting Dog for Dog's dribble.

Perplexed Hunter Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Speaking to the Perplexed Hunter for the first time *Nods at you in greeting* I'm tracking a very peculiar animal, Wanderer. It has the shape of a deer, but that is where the similarities end...I have heard rumours from other forest folk of animals behaving oddly recently. There is reason to be extra careful in the woods these days. That is especially true after dark.
If you speak to the Perplexed Hunter the second time. Winds' luck on your journey, Wanderer.

Uncanny Deer Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak with the Uncanny Deer What have we here? A dandelion hunting not-a-deer? Upside down, some of the world...As clouds of storm themselves unfurl?

Perplexed Hunter Walk By Dialogue

Please don't step on any deer tracks, Khelim!

