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This page records the location of generic Dog NPCs. These are dogs that can be interacted with but may not have specific individuality or functions.


NPC Name Location Pets Treats Lore
Dog Roaming with Aged Khelim Yes Yes
Bored Hunting Dog Roaming with Perplexed Hunter Yes Yes
Dog Two in Kasa marketplace Yes No
Watchful Dog Roaming with Market Warden during the Crossings' Market event Yes Yes
Dog Two roaming between graveyard and marketplace in Bat Saha Yes Yes
Dog Lying next to the Lost Luggage Handler during the day No Yes
Guard Dog Lying next to the Auction Guards during the Myrt Tea Auction No Yes
Resting Dog With the Travelling Musicians Yes Yes
Dog Lying down with Delayed Travellers in Siram Fields No Yes
Street Mutt Sometimes roaming with The Patterfoot Gang Yes Yes
Kifi Roaming with Master Iron Prospector Yes Yes If you have Master Iron objects in your inventory *Fixes you with its eyes and wagging its tail.*


Other Dogs
