The Journey Begins
Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.
Main plot
Kasa has recently been in lockdown, leaving those who wish to return stranded and lost. Transportation and trade have been disrupted and criminal activities are on the rise, including incidences of Kasa children sneaking out of Kasa to sell goods. Many have speculated on what caused this emergency in Kasa, but no one really has a clear idea being out of the city walls. The only real clues are stranded knots from a person called Singer and leaked evidence pieces from Kasa.
On that tragic night, a pre-arranged ritual was held in the Arch Council Pavilion between the leader of the Esoteric Union, Grandmaster Grahma, and the Arch Sefra, who was said to be un-killable. But Grahma proved that wrong as the ritual took an unexpectedly violent turn and the Arch Sefra perished. The servant girl aiding in the ritual also became a victim of the incident.
Despite this ordeal, word of it could not reach other lands as falcons from the Coroners had been ordered a day earlier to hunt down any unsanctioned message birds. [1]
After the incident, the Arch Council decided to disband itself and go into hiding, giving emergency power to the New Foundry Council from the North.[2]
The Coroners took charge immediately to investigate and questioned Grandmaster Grahma, who could not remember what happened but blamed the servant girl for tampering with the ritual. This prompted the Coroners to thoroughly examine the servant girl's body before secretly hiding it at Kasa's old cemetery.[3]
Mostly due to not trusting Grandmaster Grahma's account, the Coroners continue blocking the borders and roads in and out of Kasa for further investigation.[4]
Next possible plot
- Besides Grandmaster Grahma, there has been growing signs of people attempting malicious actions, but oddly have no motive or recollection of doing them. Many rumors has said that this is the works of "The Puppetmaster"[5]
Side plots
- Passage is a gambling game played by the people in Braided Shore. While it seems like a harmless fun, what is being gambled is not something up to one's control and can be dangerous, such as potentially having a house destroyed [6] or losing vitality[7].
- The Deeplanders are not often seen in this region in Braided Shore where most Asken folk roam. It is hinted that the Deeplanders are up to something.[8]
- The crops in Crossings has been on a decline, this is due to the Miserable Young Woman, an amateur student of the Rivenleaf School of History and Higher Education who wanted to impress a farmer boy, made a wind catcher in hopes that the weather will fare better for their crops. However it was rigged with novice mistakes, and the plan has failed with weather becoming irregular with harsh storms. The farmers, who already has a negative view on magic, had to hire a Mystic to see the source of the problem, and the hatred grew, a notice knot written anonymously wanting mystics to leave Crossings.[9]
- Gangs has been a problem in Braided Shore for some time, stealing and murdering the innocent on the roads, however it has been proven complicated to particularly disband the Tabac Toe Gang as they recently took a new activity in fending off invading Pirates, which has actually benefited those living in the West. The fights between pirates and the smugglers are becoming more and more fiercer each day.
- The lighthouse in Myr, also known as The Warding Light, holds an old tale where it wards off the horrors beneath The Verve's deep waters, created by the Verve's Ruler, The Sleeper. For many eras the Verve remains calm under the light, but recently, the reflector on the lighthouse has been cracked and the lights dimmed, making the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper and Master Kharimn come together to discuss possible precautions to take should one day the light never shines again. As a temporary solution, it was learnt that Cobalt-glazed tile shards found in Kuro Orchard are the same material the reflectors are made of and are used to patch up the damage. Little did the residents in Myr knew that the Herald of The Sleeper uses what they can in trying to stop the repair, rewarding those who gives them those same shards so that the lighthouse keeper could not, longing the day the Verve's Ruler will rise above the waves once more.