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Locations myr main 01.jpg

Culture, History and Legends

Nestled on the shores of The Verve, Myr is a rustic farming and fishing town. Its most significant feature is a lighthouse, which stands next to the town’s dock[1]. This coastal enclave relies on its bustling harbour, where ferries ply the waters, connecting Myr to the island of Bat Saha and the eastern expanses of the Braided Shore.

Myr has been a longstanding presence on these shores since the arrival of the Asken folk[2], who came to Braided Shore in The Age of Settlement. Vague references allude to an Elden monument that once graced the area, though archaeological excavations have yielded little more than fragments of pottery shards[3]. However, it suggests that the Eldens may have inhabited this place prior to the arrival of the Asken folk.

During the Third Age, the plantations of Myr were ruled by a dynasty of merchant princes, the Obradins [4] however after the Cobalt Eclipse, their influence waned. It is also known that the Obradin merchant princes went to war against Issa Halzhaan who ruled in Kasa and Kasans boycotted Western made products out of patriotic solidarity with their new queen. [5] During the Age of Settlement, a distinctive style of hat gained immense popularity in Myr until the onset of the Fourth Age, known as the Age of Dynasty. It was during this period that Minister Gel Halzhaan brought the family renowned for crafting these traditional hats to Kasa, making them his personal milliners. This historical shift becomes evident when studying depictions of the Minister, each showcasing a new and extravagant hat. Regrettably, as the artisans who possessed the unique craftsmanship dwindled, the hat's tradition in Myr quickly faded[6].





  • The Bridge Keeper - Teahouse south of the docks
  • Myr Train Station - at the beginning of Chapter Zero The Journey Begins, this is inactive
  • Tamar Boat House - The steamboat here is in need of repair


  • Braid of Abarat Deepening - Grasslands along the northwest corner, just south of the Whisper River
  • The Cemetery
  • Dakst Barka House - Temporary home to a wounded warden
  • Eala Family House - A bag vendor resides here
  • Hand Knot Square - Several shops and travelers
  • Kudiam Fields
  • Lover's Ribbon - Field of flowers
  • Little Yu - Tiny island on the southeast edge of the district
  • Myr Harbour - Where the ferry to Bat Saha docks and departs
  • Myr Northside - Home to House Yehan Highborn
  • Myr Trading House
  • Myrt Bridge
  • Old Jade
  • Reed Wade Shore
  • Road Myrth - A Sefra shrine is here
  • Singing Bridge
  • Southern Braid of Abarat - Grasslands along the northern edge of the district.
  • Southfields
  • Whisper River - Runs from the northwest to the southeast, and is wide enough for Fishing










Myr is a small village that holds as a popular hub for trading fish, tea and spice mainly to the Southern Parts of Braided Shore. [7]

While the myth has been mostly forgotten by the folks living there, the lighthouse, known as The Warding Light that still shines at night in the care of the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper is said to keep the horrors beneath The Verve at bay, which said to correlate to The Sleeper. However The Warding Light seem to have dimmed due to damage on the light's reflector, and the Lighthouse Keeper and Master Kharimn are discussing options of precaution should one day the lighthouse fails to light up.

While not confirmed, The Warding Light could have been built around the times between The Pre Historic Age & The Elden Age.

Before the railway, Myr was a major shipping port...The water in the bay runs deeper than one might expect.

Everyone knows that the best Tea is found in Myr, right?

Not much is known about the founding of Myr, it's a small farming and fishing community that had been there since the Asken first landed on the shore. Some sources speak of some kind of Elden monument that once stood in the area but archaeological excavations have only found pottery shards in the area.

Meeting recap: Myr requests more wood. They live in a forest just cut some down.

Sure, we Myrians like talking without drinking Tea...But only after the first cup has been enjoyed in silence.


Vellan Messages

Chapter Zero - The Journey Begins

"Vacant guest merchant stall now available at the Myr trading house."

"Gemidas, if you are reading this on your way through, please come and see me -V."

"Growers Union Leader Dakts Barka and family welcomes all to Tea at the Union house, Non members also welcome!"

"Interested in an draught ox share for work around Myr? Contact Ovija today!"

"Want your hair dyed? Many colours available, inquire at the Khaski farmhouse, kitchen entrance."

"Antique cobalt glazed tiles wanted! -Narak, Myr Lighthouse Keeper."

"Missing: Amar the goat. Is grey stripy. Missed too much - Loria"

"Deputy post warden needed, contact senior Warden, Crossroads "

"Lost! Cinnabar pearl fishing net. Hang here if found!"

"Cargo carried and stowed. Talk to Kaisa (The dock or the square)"


