Post Warden Vastila

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Post Warden Vastilia.png

I saw a package warden the other day…


Post Warden Vastila, initially known as Post Warden or Off-Duty Post Warden, is an NPC found wandering the roads from Myr to the Western Harvest Route during the day. However, at night, Vastila is also found in Kuro Orchard, in the Night Bathers Pavilion, during the Night Bathers event.


Vastila is part of a friendly group called the Night Bathers, who gather under a shelter at night to catch up and relax. Despite being a Post Warden, she has been unable to gain any information about Kasa since it was closed off.




Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If it is night and you speak to her in the Nightbather's Pavillion and she has not invited you to join the Night Bathers she says: If you need to cool your feet, there are few better places than this stream.
If it is night and you speak to her in the Nightbather's Pavillion and she has invited you to join the Night Bathers she says: My Night Bather name is 'The Post Walker'. I'm not sure how the tradition began here, but we don't use our given names. Perhaps it has something to do with trying to create a special place for quiet reflection, our day-to-day lives to the side.
As a post warden I pick up news and gossip from all over… Except, due to the Coroner's blockades, anything from Kasa. If you hear any rumours or gossip from Kasa we would love to hear it. I imagine the best place to pick something up from the Kapital is at the Coroner's blockade in the Siram Fields. My rounds do not take that way, so if you pass by, keep your ears open.
If you speak to her again under the same conditions We are here every night should you find something to share with us. We all have family or friends in Kasa, any news from there would be welcome. Especially now in light of the ominous Kasa statements of the newsreaders.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you bring one of the Singer rosaries to Post Warden Vastila at the Night Bathers' Pavilion she says: By all the half Winds! Have you read this entry from Singer's Journal?! It reads as he was a witness to a murder! In the Arch Council Pavilion, no less! I wonder if he was captured by the wardens? We must try to find more journal entries! We have to know!
If you speak to her again after giving her this item I don't know the exact date of when this happened, but since The Kasa blockade is still in effect… Could it be Singer the Coroners are looking for? What are the roadblocks for? Please, Dandelion! If you find any more clues on Singer or what is going on in Kasa, bring it to us right away!
If you have the Marble and cobalt-coloured knot message in your inventory, she says: Oh this knot message makes grim reading. I'd really like to know more about this… Maybe the archivist can shed more light on this Knot?
If you have the Mysterious feather in your inventory, she says That Sefra feather looks odd, even for a Sefra feather… What could have made it this misshapen? The Undertaker knows a few things about Sefra. Go show him the feather!


When duty calls me
far from comfort
My fur cloak is
my favourite consort

Postwarden Vastila, Torn fur mantle