The Night Bathers

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The Night Bathers is a daily event found in Kuro Orchard, near Orchard's Armlet, at night.


The group started with some friends, and without knowing when the tradition began, they don't refer to one another by their names. For instance, the Post Warden Vastila goes by the title of The Post Walker and Miller Yeget by the title Miller. The Singer used to be part of the group, but their wanderlust led them to venture around Braided Shore and leave, vowing to write about their adventures and to return, so that they may teach Miller Yeget to play the tunes of The Rose of Ovi Talif. [1]


  1. Archivist Tisleth
  2. Farmer Ravda
  3. Hav Stormbeggar
  4. Miller Yeget
  5. Post Warden Vastila



By all the half Winds! Have you read this entry from Singer's Journal?! It reads as he was a witness to a murder! In the Arch Council Pavilion, no less! I wonder if he was captured by the wardens? We must try to find more journal entries! We have to know!

What a curious aspect of a Sefra feather. I have seen a few on my journeys around this land. Often in the care of some nature dwelling Asken or at some family shrine or natural holy place. Only once before have I seen a Sefra feather as ruffled as this one...It belonged to a hunter who had found it at the site of a forest fire...It was a tragic place with many, many carcasses. Animals fallen victims to the flames. The hunter had heard unnatural wailings in the night, cries of desperation mingled with the screams of the dying animals. He believed the feather belonged to a grief stricken Sefra. Could this be a feather from the same Sefra, ending up as a collectors piece in Kasa. The colour of this one is different though...A curious and melancholy find, Dandelion. I thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Very interesting. If there was a murder in Kasa, why would the Coroners hide the body of the murderer? And who was the victim? Would a murder alone demand the closing of the entire city and its surrounding areas? In particular, if the murderer is known...And in this case, apparently already punished by fate for for her crime. There is more to this story than meets the eye, Dandelion. Please bring us anything else that may reflect on the happenings in Kasa. Maybe we here, the Night Bathers can draw some interesting conclusions! With the apparent harsh methods of the Coroners, perhaps the folk of Braided Shore derives an independent investigation? From us!


Archivist Tisleth

If you have not been invited to their meeting previously Please help yourself to our Tea. We make a fresh pot as soon as the old one runs dry.

If you have been invited to their meeting and speak to them the first time Good evening, Khelim...My Night Bather name is 'the Archivist', and I am from the Sah Basir people, as you can tell." I'm attached to the Sah Basir Embassy in Kasa, and travel the land noting down my observations of its people and its customs. My Night Bather membership and things done and spoken of here, though...I reserve solely for myself and my new found friends here at the pavillion.
If you have been invited to their meeting and speak to them the second time Hey Dandelion. Since the Farmwife introduced me to Passage, I have become quite absorbed by it. My previous hobby of ciphers and number puzzles pales in comparison!

Farmer Ravda

If you have not been invited to join the Nightbathers' meeting they will say: How about a game this time, Traveller? The rules are quite the same as last time…
If you have been invited to join the Nightbathers' meeting they will say: Pleased to meet you, Wanderer. The others call me 'Farmwife', due to me running a farm while raising several children and a husband. As you can imagine, this place gives me much needed respite from my daily chores.

When you finish the Kasa Incident quest, and speak to Farmer Ravda the first time.

Instead of blabbering like a gang of school kids like some others I could mention. I have been connecting the dots and tying the knots of Dandelions' findings over these last few days… Probably my mind has been tempered by juggling farm work and a swarming family so that I can sort the chaff from the wheat… and draw lines in the willow pattern of what happened to Singer and what happened in Kasa

So… Here is my conclusion:

Singer began his journey, binding journal entries every day describing his travels. He entered Kasa just a few days before the incident to which he was fated to become a witness. Having set himself up in a cheap and lofty place to stay, in a tower overlooking the political district of Kasa…

On his second night in the tower, burning the midnight oil over his lute on some unfinished melody, he became witness to some kind of pre-arranged ritual between the Arch Sefra and the Union leader of the Esoteric Union; Grandmaster Grahma. The ritual proved a violent spectacle that left the Sefra lifeless on the floor, and the servant girl who assisted in the ritual, by Master Grahma's hand, dead.

Shocked by the sight, Singer's lute slipped from his hands. The sound of it smashing against the cobbles below drew the Council Warden's attention. Head over heels in flight, Singer made a narrow escape.

From some hiding place in the city, Singer attached his messages intended for us to his homing pigeons and sent them skywards. Only one of his Singer rosary however, the one we have hanging here in our Pavillion, managed to reach us. Singer did not suspect after he has released his homing pigeons the next day, that the City Warden falcons would be used to hunt down and kill any and all message birds leaving Kasa.

In the aftershock at the loss of the Arch Sefra, the Kasa council held a flash vote, deciding by a small margin to disband itself and give emergency power to the Northern Council in New Foundry. The New Foundry Council moved fast to commission two of their number to form a Coroner task force to investigate the details of The Kasa Incident, not least the unheard of fact that it was possible for Sefra to die.

Something that had always been believed impossible, and that if true would shake the foundation of the entire belief system of Braided Shore. A part of the New Foundry city watch were drafted to assist The Coroners, and began cordoning off areas, in various ways.

It appears Grandmaster Grahma only has vague memories of what happened the night of the Sefra's demise, but he accuses the servant girl tampering with the Mystics' and the Sefra's spirit counseling ritual. The Coroners' Wardens made a thorough investigation of the servant woman's body and then hid the remains somewhere in the old Kasa cemetery.

Since The Coroners investigation and blockades are still in effect… Unless there are some obscure political reason beyond the crime and shock at the death of a Sefra, I can only surmise that The Coroners are not yet fully content with Grandmaster Grahma's account of the "murder."

And that is all I can surmise from the journals and evidence that has reached us. How does this tale sit with you, my friends?

After completing the quest and speaking to Ravda again.

I'm not repeating all that again, Dandelion. I am more interested of your interpretation of these events.

…And as soon as we find evidence to the opposite, I will keep hoping that Singer will return to us one day…

Miller Yeget

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to them during the day Hello, Nomad! Welcome to the Orchard Mill! I mostly proved the muscle around here. My dear wife does all of the headwork... Did my wife mention she'll trade you for any grain you might have?

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
At night, if you have not been invited to the meeting Hello again, Traveller...I look forward to another night in the old pavillion.
If you have been invited to the meeting Good to meet you properly, Traveller. The Other Night Bathers call me 'Miller' for obvious reasons. Me and my better half runs the nearby watermill, as I think you know.
If you speak to them again Ah, you know me by now don't you, Khelim?.

Post Warden Vastila

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If it is night and you speak to her in the Nightbather's Pavillion and she has not invited you to join the Night Bathers she says: If you need to cool your feet, there are few better places than this stream.
If it is night and you speak to her in the Nightbather's Pavillion and she has invited you to join the Night Bathers she says: My Night Bather name is 'The Post Walker'. I'm not sure how the tradition began here, but we don't use our given names. Perhaps it has something to do with trying to create a special place for quiet reflection, our day-to-day lives to the side.
As a post warden I pick up news and gossip from all over… Except, due to the Coroner's blockades, anything from Kasa. If you hear any rumours or gossip from Kasa we would love to hear it. I imagine the best place to pick something up from the Kapital is at the Coroner's blockade in the Siram Fields. My rounds do not take that way, so if you pass by, keep your ears open.
If you speak to her again under the same conditions We are here every night should you find something to share with us. We all have family or friends in Kasa, any news from there would be welcome. Especially now in light of the ominous Kasa statements of the newsreaders.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you bring one of the Singer rosaries to Post Warden Vastila at the Night Bathers' Pavilion she says: By all the half Winds! Have you read this entry from Singer's Journal?! It reads as he was a witness to a murder! In the Arch Council Pavilion, no less! I wonder if he was captured by the wardens? We must try to find more journal entries! We have to know!
If you speak to her again after giving her this item I don't know the exact date of when this happened, but since The Kasa blockade is still in effect… Could it be Singer the Coroners are looking for? What are the roadblocks for? Please, Dandelion! If you find any more clues on Singer or what is going on in Kasa, bring it to us right away!
If you have the Marble and cobalt-coloured knot message in your inventory, she says: Oh this knot message makes grim reading. I'd really like to know more about this… Maybe the archivist can shed more light on this Knot?
If you have the Mysterious feather in your inventory, she says That Sefra feather looks odd, even for a Sefra feather… What could have made it this misshapen? The Undertaker knows a few things about Sefra. Go show him the feather!
