The Night Bathers

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The Night Bathers are a group of friends who meet each other at night under a pavilion.


You can find The Night Bathers hanging out under a Pavillion in Kuro Orchard near the stream "Orchard's Armlet" at night.

Known Members

  1. Post Warden Vastila
  2. Farmer Ravda
  3. Archivist Tisleth
  4. Miller Yeget
  5. Hav Stormbeggar


  1. Singer


The group started with some friends, and without knowing when the tradition begun, they don't refer one another by their names such as the Post Warden Vastila goes by the title of "The Post Walker" & Miller Yeget by the title "Miller". The Singer used to be part of the group, but their wanderlust has made them wanted the venture around Braided Shores and left, vouching to write of his adventures and to return, so that he may teach Miller Yeget to play the tunes of "The Rose of Ovo Talif". [1][2]


The Night Bathers are heavily involved in the Kasa's Incident Quest.
