Archivist Tisleth

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Archivist Tisleth is an NPC found in Kuro Orchard, The Night Bater's Pavilion, during the Night Bathers event.




Very interesting. If there was a murder in Kasa, why would the Coroners hide the body of the murderer? And who was the victim? Would a murder alone demand the closing of the entire city and its surrounding areas? In particular, if the murderer is known...And in this case, apparently already punished by fate for for her crime. There is more to this story than meets the eye, Dandelion. Please bring us anything else that may reflect on the happenings in Kasa. Maybe we here, the Night Bathers can draw some interesting conclusions! With the apparent harsh methods of the Coroners, perhaps the folk of Braided Shore derives an independent investigation? From us!


If you have not been invited to their meeting previously Please help yourself to our Tea. We make a fresh pot as soon as the old one runs dry.

If you have been invited to their meeting and speak to them the first time Good evening, Khelim...My Night Bather name is 'the Archivist', and I am from the Sah Basir people, as you can tell." I'm attached to the Sah Basir Embassy in Kasa, and travel the land noting down my observations of its people and its customs. My Night Bather membership and things done and spoken of here, though...I reserve solely for myself and my new found friends here at the pavillion.
If you have been invited to their meeting and speak to them the second time Hey Dandelion. Since the Farmwife introduced me to Passage, I have become quite absorbed by it. My previous hobby of ciphers and number puzzles pales in comparison!