Book of Travels Wiki:Admin Guide

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Page still under construction


Standardized protocol and helpful tips in maintaining the site and creating features or templates for all users.

An admin is an editor who acts as an ambassador to the community and a coordinator for all editors.
Except for Fierying, who is Super Admin and we bow down to their superior wisdom.




Being an admin for a wiki can be overwhelming, but I hope that defining the role and sharing best practices can help with easing our worries. Don't forget: you are not alone! There are your fellow admins, the non-admin editors who share our goal of a strong wiki for a lovely game, and the Wardens who support us! We are all part of the same team that works toward a stronger Book of Travels community. :)


You are here because you are an editor for the Book of Travels wiki, however that title fits you: it's okay to have certain parts of the wiki that you are passionate about and focus on, to be someone who processes a lot of the systemic changes across all of the wiki, to focus on tools that make overall editing simpler or more defined, all of these, something else, whatever. As long as your efforts are towards making the wiki better, then whatever you are doing is not wrong.

Editing is something we do because it interests us, whether it be a fun activity to pass the time or a way to exert control over something while our lives feel uncontrollable in a world that is changing in ways that we fear or do not recognize and we realize that time is moving faster and faster and what does the future actually hold for me?... or putting things in clearly defined categories satisfies a primal need that our daily lives do not... whatever it is.

  1. Don't abandon the editor within you.


Being an ambassador to the community has two parts:

  1. Spread awareness of the wiki to community members who may benefit from it
  2. Recruit community members to become editors

Maintaining Diplomatic Relations with Community Members

One of the uncomfortable parts of being an admin is understanding there will be times when we need to handle ourselves or a matter in a diplomatic way as we prioritize the goal of a robust and accurate wiki over our personal sentiments. That does not mean we need to let people mistreat us or others, but there will be times when we need to thoughtfully consider our actions and words within the context of our role and how what we do or say may affect the future of the wiki. Connect with your fellow admins for support and with the Wardens as necessary. We will work together as admins and editors, with editors, with wardens: through all circumstances and toward a better wiki.

Admin User Pages

It is suggested that you provide the following information at the top of your User Page for the benefit of editors who may reach out to you directly or who may want an understanding of how many active admins there are:

  • Your wiki status (such as when you are on a break)
  • Your region
  • Your handle or the name you prefer to be called

Additional information that may be beneficial:

  • Your pronouns


We've mentioned it may be helpful to note our focuses or expertise somewhere - that may be worth noting when we have more active admins

Administrative Tasks

Admin Noticeboard

Community Portal


Use the following special pages:

  • Special:UnusedTemplates for unused templates
  • Special:WhatLinksHere for pages that link to the active page
  • If you are the sole contributor to an unused and unnecessary page, use your best judgment on whether it is appropriate to delete that page outright or nominate it for deletion.
  • Do not delete a page you nominated for deletion.
  • Perform thorough checks on a nominated page before deleting it. If you are unable to confirm the appropriateness of deleting the page, do not delete it.
  • Use discussion pages or the appropriate wiki server for discussing nominated pages for which you are unsure whether deletion is the appropriate action.

Special Projects

Editors' Guide





The wiki moderator role is inclusive of several dictionary definitions of moderator: