Singer rosary

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 49 Medium.png



This item is vital for the Kasa's Incident quest.


These rosaries can spawn in all locations at a fixed location but in different percentages. Usually in each map they have 2 spawn points.

They spawn on the map as the body of a small bird labelled as Dead pigeon, usually the rosaries are accompanied by a Damaged animal skull.

Known areas:

The Singer rosary is a series of knots that have different descriptions under the same name.
As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, 11 rosaries have been found:

Item Descriptions

Goodbyes from The Night Bathers

I promise to write
I pledge to return
Miller needs a few more lessons soon

As I shouldered my pack
And had time for one last wave goodbye
Before the forest road took me

Soon I will miss the quiet clicks of the old pavilion gaming pieces

A marble-coloured knot rosary

Note to Self
Regarding my rosary knotting: I think I have now collected enough string to cover the telling of the story of my journey. To make sure I husband well, I will begin each knot with Umber, Jade, Sulphur, Marble, Cinnabar, Cobalt and Char. This will have the added benefit of making it easy for me to arrange my narrative in chronological order when the time comes for me to compile all my rosaries into my complete travel journal scroll.

A cinnabar-coloured knot rosary

Day 2

I lunch by the side of the road

My pigeons in their cage wide eyed
Enjoying the journey and the growing distance
Eager to prove their return to home skills

I set my stride for the Western Verve Junction!

A sulphur-coloured knot rosary

Day 3

I cross the waves of the Verve!

In the Bridgekeeper I heard many tales,
The Sleeper below the waves gave fright.
The story from the wise historians a court.

Does something stir below the sea?

A umber-coloured knot rosary

Day 5

I lay my head on my pack smiling

The rain fell hard most of day
Yet my long patience bore fruit
Today Cinnabar Felix spoke his 3rd word

I fall asleep to the quiet rustling of a willow tree

A sulphur-coloured knot rosary

Day 25

My first morning in Kasa!

Such sights to behold
Such wonders to send home about
And what high prices charged for lodging

By evening I must find a nest of lower cost

A char-coloured knot rosary

Day 27

I fear for my pigeons, unbearable dread!

What eminence owns not the Kasa message falcon aviary
Yet shock was mine after falconer discourse
Coroner falcons now hunt unsanctioned message birds

Which of my darling pigeons have found home alive?

A marble-coloured knot rosary

Day 28

A vantage place up high is mine

The caretaker's payment for his price
A tower of a long silenced bell
Most of Kasa I spy from here

The life and strife of passers by I slumber, watch and strum by lyre low
Some nights and days this nest will suit me

Alone above the bustling city

A marble-coloured knot rosary

I wake up from slumber frowning

A sound or feeling moving me
The shadows of the heat of day
A set of dancing figures there
The council hall pavilion
The veiled one and the Asken two
A girl with tombac bowl outstretched

A Mystic with his hand inside
The shape of the Spirit likewise posed Exulted face on mystic worn

Then magic plays, uncommon light
Cast shadows cross the city flares
The tamboc bowl spins on the floor

A second light grim needle like
From Mystics hand stabs out
The bowl spun out in silence now

Alone now stands the Mystic Councilor

A marble-coloured knot rosary

Can I believe my senses?

The murderer and I alone witness
The death of something that cannot die
The crime of Him elected by his people

The spellcast murder of the servant girl
The Wardens rush the room like a wave
The icy accusation by the guilty party

The servant's body carried off in hate
Though Warden's grief stuck eyes linger
Ashen faces staring in awesome disbelief

At the lifeless husk of that which cannot die.

A marble-coloured knot rosary
    Day 28

Faint with shock, my lyre slips

Nightmare slow from deftness hands
A tower's height down from my perch
The falling lyre shatter-ring

A noise led warden's eyes fix mine
Far to sluggish is my recoil
The Mystic's laughter lingering inside

To trust in justice here and now is folly

A marble-coloured knot rosary

They come for me!

I must escape!
Ringing shouts of alarm.
The quarter is in turmoil.

The mystic's laughter
a living parasite gnawing
inside the hollows of my bones

I must flee Kasa! But how?!

A cobalt-coloured knot rosary
