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Umber: The bond between nature, the earth and the people, of roots and the mystic words of making. In a word: Creativity.

Umber is one of several colours used in Braided Shore, and is the equivalent of brown.


The culture of Braided Shore places importance on the colour of umber.

Umber is associated with:

  • Nature, and the bond between people and nature
  • Mysticism
  • Creativity

As colour is a significant part of the culture of Braided Shore, umber and its meanings are reflected in the daily lives of Braided Shore inhabitants:

  • Umber carpet is used in vestibules, workshops, and the bedrooms of certain people.
  • The Umber Deer Gang is an established gang.
  • The Umber Lake is currently not umber coloured, but the name refers to the formerly polluted lake's colour. [1]


The colour of mysticism and creativity, and some say rooted in the bond between people and nature, Umber is the natural colour of most undyed fabrics. A black canvas for its wearer to make their marks on.

Umber, the colour of creativity and nature is best suited for vestibules, workshops and the bedrooms of certain types of people.