Travelling Spell Merchant
Why remain a drab-coloured bore, friend?
The Travelling Spell Merchant sells a variety of spells to change your appearance.
The Travelling Spell Merchant shows up in town centers at night. They sell a variety of spells.
The Travelling Spell Merchant is the key NPC in the The Colour of Mastery quest.
Using Hagglers Wit
This merchant is interested in the pure sources of Alabaster, coral and orchid.
For Sale
The Travelling Spell Merchant will tell you lore associated with the various colours in Book of Travels.
Look here, friend! I have developed an illusory magic to change even the dullest-looking figure into a person sparkling with colour! Dazzle your friends, frustrate your enemies and irritate those who have no imagination!
I have copies of my magic formulas for trade...Just take a look at my collection and make a bid for whatever takes your fancy! You want to blend into your surroundings? You want to clash in colours for all to see? Cast your eye on my trade goods, friend!"Do you know the hidden meanings of the colours in Braided Shore culture? If you don't, then please let me relate them to you:
Cobalt, the endless colour of the ocean, of the poisonous azure wine, or sorrow and of no return. In a word; Death.
Marble, the ambiguous non-colour of the Wind, of youth and the unbound Knot. In a word: Humility.
Sulphur: The colour of the sun, the glory of learning and culture, of the passing of time. In a word: Achievement.
Cinnabar: The colour of blood and fire of passion and of the beating heart. In a word: Life.
Umber: The bond between nature, the earth and the people, of roots and the mystic words of making. In a word: Creativity.
Orchid: Also known as royal cobalt, the colour of the Halzhaan dynasty, of sociability, speechcraft and the art of persuasion. In a word: Leadership.
...And there you have them...Of course there is one colour missing. Get me some pieces of charcoal, and I will tell you the lore of the colour char. Until then, Wanderer...
If you successfully complete their quest
I see you carry some pieces of charcoal, Wanderer. If you hand them over, I will reveal the lore of the colour char. Listen well to your reward: Char: Exclusiveness, singularity and ultimate wisdom. The very peak of the pinnacle. In a word: 'Mastery.' And so...Now you know everything there is to know about the colours...I would say you have attained Mastery in colour lore! I think you would treat yourself unjustly if you didn't treat yourself by buying my Char-Colour Spell! What do you say?
For whatever reason the Travelling Spell Merchant doesn't mention the colour Jade.