Char Guise

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Skill W Char Guise Medium.png

Item Description

When this knot is unbound the knot-binder's clothing turns char-coloured.

Learnt Skill Description

This spell alters all the colours of the binder's clothing to char.



Char is my colour, as the bright wood burned to a cinder

Law Bender

"I have found, through the awkwardness that sometimes comes with my line of research, that different cultures hold different colours in vastly different meanings. While we Asken tend to see char as a colour befitting high status, wisdom and age, the Sah Basir see it as something ominous. To them, char conjures images of dark storm clouds and of unnavigable nights without moons or stars." Fateng Leng, Professor of Herbalism and Foreign cultures

description of Char-tinted roll

All Guises
Cinnabar GuiseSulfur GuiseJade GuiseCobalt GuiseMarble GuiseChar Guise