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Orchid: Also known as royal cobalt, the colour of the Halzhaan dynasty, of sociability, speechcraft and the art of persuasion. In a word: Leadership.

Orchid is one of several colours used in Braided Shore, and is the equivalent of purple.


The culture of Braided Shore places importance on orchid being the colour of The Age of Dynasty.

From this, Orchid has been associated with

  • Sociability
  • Speechcraft
  • Art of persuasion

Orchid is also known as royal cobalt. It was popularised during the Halzhaan Age when the colour was used on the Halzhaan crest.[1]

As colour is a significant part of the culture of Braided Shore, orchid and its meanings are reflected in the daily lives of Braided Shore inhabitants:

  • Orchid coloured dyes are more common in Braided Shore than in Selka lands.[2]
  • City merchants often wear comfortable orchid-coloured shoes.[3]
  • A district in Kasa is called the Orchid District.
  • A past leader of the Esoteric Union commissioned a large amount of orchid python leather shoes. This brought the snake to near extinction.[4]
  • The royal cobalt crocus flower has become a symbol for Kasa. After the fall of the Frost Hag, they were the first flowers that grew. The purple flower is seen as a blessing from the Sefra, a gift for the noble deeds of the Asken.[5]
  • The Standard Kasa headscarf has been in common use in the city since the mid-third age. Originally dyed Jyde using tea leaves from Myr, when hostilities rose between Issa Halzhaan and the western merchant princes, the citizens of Kasa boycotted the West and the scarves changed colour to royal cobalt in honour of their new queen.
  • Sweet Sylla is a tiny squid with a remarkable royal-cobalt hue. Said to have been discovered on the birthday of a Halzhaan princess and named in her honor.


  • There is also a Reagent called Whispering Orchid, which is a white flower.