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Sulphur: The colour of the sun, the glory of learning and culture, of the passing of time. In a word: Achievement.

Sulphur is one of several colours used in Braided Shore, and is the equivalent of yellow.


The culture of Braided Shore places importance on sulphur being the colour of the sun.

From this, sulphur has been associated with

  • Learning
  • Culture
  • The passing of time
  • Achievement

As colour is a significant part of the culture of Braided Shore, sulphur and its meanings are reflected in the daily lives of Braided Shore inhabitants:

  • Sulphur carpet is used in libraries, studies and the bedrooms of certain types of people.
  • Malku Su clothing is tied with a sulphur ribbon.
  • The House Yehan colours are pure sulphur and deep char.[1]
  • The symbol of the Hab Dynasty, whose dissolution led to the founding of Rivenleaf University, was that of a sulphur peacock.[2]
  • Prospective students of Rivenleaf University carry a marble coloured bag emblazoned with a sulphur peacock crest.[3]
  • Senior students of Rivenleaf University wear sulphur robes which represent the commitment and time they have devoted to their studies.[4]
  • Finding a pansy of pure sulphur colour is seen as a sure sign of good fortune.
  • The famous fourth age courtier Nago Liama made bright sulphur cloaks a popular choice for Skalds everywhere.[5]
  • Due to their deep sulphur colour, cloudberries are commonly associated with the sun.
  • The bright suplur rock of The Sulphur Terrace gives the steep cliff its name.[6]
  • The Maritime Rescue Servicefolk from Kasa, who deal with emergencies at sea, wear armour and caps dyed a bright sulphur colour.[7]
  • Fully fledged members of the Grower's Union mark their shirts with a diagonal wheat-coloured sulphur sash.[8]


  • Sulphur is also the name of an alchemical and industrial material used across Braided Shore.


It is well known that sulphur is the colour of time and learning in Braided Shore and, as such, those who wishes to present themselves as on a journey of learning, often choose footwear of this colour.

The sulphur colour of the armband signifies someone having taken the first step on their path to knowledge.