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Char: Exclusiveness, singularity and ultimate wisdom. The very peak of the pinnacle. In a word: Mastery.

Char is one of several colours used in Braided Shore, and is the equivalent of black.


The culture of Braided Shore places importance on char being the colour of perfection and wisdom.

From this, char has been associated with

  • Wisdom
  • Age
  • Mastery and exclusiveness

As colour is a significant part of the culture of Braided Shore, char and its meanings are reflected in the daily lives of Braided Shore inhabitants:

  • Char carpet is best suited for dining rooms, living rooms, and the bedrooms of certain types of people.
  • Wearing char-coloured armour was sometimes used historially as an intimidation tactic.[1]
  • Dying clothes char involves expensive dyes[2], and involves a tricky process. Because of this many gangs have taken to faking char coloured clothes by dipping them in mud and passing hem off as real char clothing items.[3].
  • Runball players traditionally use Pale char bindings to tie up their clothing and improve their performance on the pitch.


  • Although Asken folk see char as a colour befitting high status, wisdom and age, the Sah Basir see it as something ominous. To them, char conjures images of dark storm clouds and of unnavigable nights without moons or stars.[4]


Char, the colour of seniority and high status.

Char is my colour, as the bright wood burned to a cinder.

Law Bender