NPCs that are permanent or recurring only on this map
Crossings is a small but busy town that has sprung up around a large crossroads. In the center of the crossroads stands a great oak, which is why Crossing’s symbol is that of an oak and a sickle.
Crossings is one of the largest town in The West and is well-known for its many shops, from everyday needs like food, weapons, and clothing, to more specialized trades such as magic. It is also the home of highly skilled artisans who can craft wondrous items for your use if you can track down the right materials for them.
Additionally there is Crossings' Market, a weekly event which takes place every Friday and Saturday along the Eastern Route road. Many merchants travel here to sell their goods.
Crossings is also known for the Four Winds oak (also known as the Oak of Four Winds), which is a large oak tree in the centre of the marketplace. The nuts hold a number of mystic wind properties and are desired by Wind Voices.
NPCs that are permanent or recurring only on this map
NPCs that are permanent or recurring only on this map
NPCs that do not appear all the time and show up in other areas
NPCs that do not appear all the time and show up in other areas
Chapter Zero - The Journey Begins
"Welcome to Crossings! The Bridgekeeper Teahouse is now open!
"Road building rocks required! Contact union official on site."
"Warehouse space available, neighbouring farms prioritised. - Inquire with any member of the Aba Family"
"Grain wanted! Any quantity. Contact Hamsi, for the best trade!"
"Make the Mystics go away! - Anonymous"
"Wool carders needed at the Milomak Weavery, speak to Ezebel."
"Kasa silk bought!! Any amount and colour of interest! Great trade value offered! - Desovi, Master Tailor. The Select Tailory"
"Please leave any oak nuts near close to the four Winds tree where the lay! They are vital for my research!"
"Cargo train carriage share available to/from Kasa, inquire at the smithy!"
"The Putti family dilutes their bread with bark! - Buyers beware!"
"MisSing CAtt - CinnabAr + Cshar - PLies faiND Her FoR ELLA"