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Jade, the colour of healing and reflection.

Jade is one of several colours used in Braided Shore, and is the equivalent of green.


The culture of Braided Shore places importance on jade being the colour of The Age of Dynasty.

From this, jade has been associated with

  • Healing
  • Reflection
  • Restorative aspects of nature
  • The North wind

As colour is a significant part of the culture of Braided Shore, jade and its meanings are reflected in the daily lives of Braided Shore inhabitants:

  • Jade carpet, is used for meditation areas, tea rooms and the bedrooms of certain types of people.
  • A traditional headscarf worn in Kasa was historically dyed jade using bright tea leaves from Myr. When hostilities rose between Issa Halzhaan and the western merchant princes, the citizens of Kasa boycotted the West and the scarves changed colour to royal cobalt instead.[1]
  • Wind-voice apprentices born under a northern wind wear a Simple Northwind vestment. The inner lining is always Jade - the colour of the north wind.


  • For whatever reason the Travelling Spell Merchant doesn't mention the colour Jade when discussing the meanings of other colours.
  • Jade is also the name of a gemstone, which is associated with the ocean. Items made of Jade gemstone are often prized beyond their material value by those who are longing for the sea.[2]


Jade, the colour of healing and the restorative aspects of nature.