Warden's Union

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A warden wards their own reward

The Warden's Union is made up of Wardens who's duty is to ensure safety of their citizens and look out of suspicious activities.


In the early days when the council was founded, the "Warrior's Union" was created to wage war on any enemies it came across. It was disbanded rather quickly as they did not have any made enemies yet to wage war, and has been repurposed and formed the Warden's Union we know today.[1]

Wardens are trained under different teachers, one of such is Master Gij, which teaches the Wardens in the Crossings. It is reasoned that the wardens under him fight with vigor as when they lose, they have to give the wooden sword to the winner and have to craft another wooden sword, to remind them to not lose their next battle.

If you win sparring against one of Master Gij's junior wardens, you'll get to keep the wooden sword! But you'll have to go to Crossroads to do so...A losing warden must make a replacement wooden sword as an incentive to not lose their next fight. No wonder Master Gij's students fight so fiercely.

If junior wardens cannot afford their own helmet, the Union supplies them with a Warden's helmet from Kasa. As the warden gains fame and fortune, they traditionally return the helmet to the union armoury to pass to a future junior warden.[2]

Many a sentimental tear has been shed, by veteran wardens as they spot a dented and wayworn Kasa helmet on the head of a youngling warden.


The Trainwardens are a subset of the warden's union that attend the railways across the Braided Shore.[3]


Bat Saha

Bat Saha is the only place that has no surveillance from the Warden's Union.[4] However ever since the incident at Kasa, there have been Wardens appointed to the place, and even more undercovered. Bat Saha may or may not has as much freedom in trading after this.


They say councillor Tobruc of the Warden's Union has retired to Myrt now that the council has been disbanded.

Suspended warden Arch Counciler Tobruc in business with the tea merchant in Myrt!

Is it true that the Warden's Union councilor is held for questioning by those coroners?

"Wardens in general, and customs wardens in particular bond under an unwritten contract of honesty and trust. That is what makes the union of wardens unbreakable...Anyone who dishonours this contract weakens the spirit of the warden's call."
