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  • Keep in mind that Book of Travels is in its earliest stage of development. Many features will be updated and changed over time. Take a look at our update plans on Steam to learn what improvements are coming.


Character Creation

  • Social Traits can affect the game in various ways. Create your character with deliberate care.


  • Putting your hand on your weapon invites any would-be challenger to fight you. Within the boundaries of most settlements, this behaviour is frowned upon.
  • You and your opponent's combat stats are displayed in the initiative phase. If you wish to disengage before the fight begins, simply run away.
  • When you parry a strike in combat you will lose Ward equal to the strikes Force. Doing so will also set back your Hit Gauge slightly.
  • Burden will reduce your Speed and affect your movement, Initiative and the time it takes for you to tie Knots.
  • In combat you can Attack whenever you wish by Left Clicking your Attack Action Icon. Be aware that rushing your attacks lowers your chance to hit.
  • Heavy armour offers good Ward but increases Burden. Lighter gear often grants you Speed or other benefits.
  • When your Ward is depleted due to parrying, the next enemy hit will drain your Life Energy.
  • Accepting to fight in a duel will never result in you losing any Life Petals.

Game Mechanics

  • When your Life Energy is fully drained you will lose a Life Petal. Be mindful, for Life Petals are hard to replenish.
  • Night-time darkness drains your energy. Make sure to bring a source of light or a suitable Knot to keep the shadows at bay when seeking adventure after sunset.
  • Press Space to halt your movement.
  • Press the Middle Mouse Button to greet others.
  • Life goes on as it will in Braided Shore. Many things only appear during certain times during the day or the night.
  • Use your journal to write down hints and secrets you might encounter. The game will not do it for you.


  • When you are close to others you can inspect your collected Talents by exploring the Effect Card at the top of the screen.
  • Talents will allow you to unlock and interact with various things you encounter. Equipment and Skills can increase them.


  • Rare Reagents are often found in clusters. Remember where you find them so that you can return to gather more.


  • Even an animal track is safer to travel than the untamed wild.


  • Items in your backpack are easy pickings for robbers. Hide your most valuable stuff elsewhere.
  • Certain areas are more dangerous than others. Keep to the populated areas close to cities if you seek safety.
  • Keeping to the roads is safer. The dangers of the wild know well the warning bells of the road wardens.
  • Make sure you travel in groups or have means to hide from sight if you cannot defend yourself in the wilds.


  • Newly acquired Skills appear as Skill Items in your inventory. They must first be Learned to be added to your Skillbook and then Memorized from there, before you can use them.
  • Some skills will get better in time, growing in potency and effect as you make use of them. This is marked by symbols on the skill card.
  • The effects of Knots are generally instant. Magical Teas grant lingering magical boons.
  • Certain Skills, such as Knots and Teas, require you to acquire the proper Reagents before you may use them.
  • Brewing tea requires you to sit down by a fireplace.
  • Skills of your Wind cost less Skill Points to Memorize.
  • Certain Skills, require certain conditions for you to use them. For example Resting or standing in water.
  • Right Click on Items or Skills to explore their stats and details.


  • Many Equippable Items have pockets where you can stash extra items.
  • You can store things in Trainmaster's Chests, found at most railroad stations.


  • If you get soaked, find a source of heat to dry yourself and your gear.
  • Resting replenishes your energy. Resting close to a group of others might yield interesting gossip as well.
  • Plan your adventures well with food and equipment. To travel into the wild unprepared is ill advised.
  • Running drains your Stamina. Resting or Consuming Edibles will replenish it.


  • Teahouses are places of rest and healing, but also the best places to pick up rumours and gossip.
  • Cities and villages are more lively during the night, when fewer folk shelter from the sun or wander the wilds.


  • Depending on a range of factors, including supply and demand, one merchant may value your goods differently from another.
  • Trading is an art form. There are rules, first to learn and later to bend.
  • An item's Trade Value is not absolute. For a variety of reasons some might value a particular item higher, some lower.


  • The people of Braided Shore use knots instead of letters and words for writing. Learning to read them will allow you to interpret signs and messages.


  • Keep track of rumours that you hear. Some might lead to future adventures.
  • Walking without haste and being observant makes it easier to find hidden things in the wild. Rushing along will have the opposite effect.


  • There are many gangs of outlaws and bandits active in Braided Shore. They all have different methods and goals.
  • The great southern capital, Kasa, has been closed since the Arch Council there was disbanded, not long ago.
  • The Coroner's investigation has yielded more questions than answers and their methods have caused alarm among the people of affected regions.
  • Sefra, the spectral custodians that reign over many areas of Braided Shore, are known to be ancient and volatile beings. People fear and worship the Sefra in equal measure.
  • There are many speculations about the ancient Elden Civilization that created the industrial infrastructure still in use in today. But established facts are few.
  • Wardens are the peacekeepers of Braided Shore. They wear bells that signal both their authority and their rank.
  • Bat Saha is an island trading outpost where the Warden's Union, some say deliberately, turn a blind eye.
  • Several rail and ferry lines have been disrupted due to the turmoil in Kasa. It is currently forbidden to travel to or from the Coroners' cordoned-off areas.
  • The northern capital of New Foundry cannot presently be reached from the western side of the Verve.


  • Be polite to your reflection in still water, there are stories of those who have lost theirs.
  • If the wind blows, lean in. In falling forwards, you travel still...
  • Before this day's end, count the small wonders you have seen...
  • The wind carries a restless tune. Keep walking with the melody...
  • Can you tell the mundane from the miraculous? Let us see...
  • A road is not a way, a walking staff is not a pointing stick...
  • How you got here is less important than where your heart directs you now...
  • Others are busy nearby, will you wander on alone..?
  • For good or ill, what paths you cross today will forever change you...
  • What will you find, searcher, if you don't go looking..?
  • Where will the winds guide you today, wanderer..?
  • Alone but not lonely. Even amongst others you are free to wander...
  • No road leads to unexplored areas...