New Foundry

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"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

How do you feel about our affairs and trade values being moderated by the New Foundry Council? They don't know how things really are down here...

New Foundry is the second capital of the Braided Shore, younger than Kasa and home to a second Council. As the name suggests, New Foundry is a city of industry, most workers specialize in heavy industry and the production of machinery. New Foundry is surrounded by salt mines. Despite the city's reliance on heavy industry, New Foundry has many public parks which allow its citizens to enjoy nature. [1]

One of the most important objects in New Foundry is the Ehran Engine. The Engine receives metal and produces cogs of different sizes from it and is irreplaceable. It is presided over by the Machinists Union and House Yehan.

New Foundry’s symbol is a crest depicting cogs and smoke. [2]


  • ???

Places of Interest

Main Areas

Other Areas

  • Hall of Machine Wonders[3]
  • Master Magan's workshop[4]










New Foundry's Council is involved with the reason Kasa was shut down during The Journey Begins, where their Coroners organization blocked off Kasa's borders.

I wonder if it's true that the Coroner's guard are all recruited from the New Foundry city guards?

New Foundry is the city of industry and manufacture! Have you ever been?

The Ehran engine is a marvelous Elden machine, without which most of the new machinists would be out of a job. The Ehran engine takes in metal and produces cogs in different sizes, a vital component of the industrial center of New Foundry where it's located and presided over by the Machinist Union and House Yehan.

The New Foundry Special? A wondrous drink that has yet to breach the walls out of New Foundry properly. I don't reckon it would catch on with the relaxed day-working folk outside of our city. Most of them don't need or want the extra 'pep' you get after downing a cup.

Nasar, New Foundry Night Worker New Foundry special

A pot of spiced cider from New Foundry. New Foundry cider is heated before drinking and each sip leaves a warm tingling feeling in your chest.

Before it became famous for the scholars of the Rivenleaf academy and the industrial center of New Foundry, the northern lands of the Braided Shore was home to bear-tamers.
Long ago a wild kingdom rose up from the northern forests, their footmen were clad in deep umber furs and its cavalry rode atop vicious bears. The bear tamers were some of their greatest and most fearless warriors and few folk dared to stay in their way.

Engraved with an intricate pattern inlaid with a semi-precious alloy, this machine part appears to have been intended for ceremonial use. For long ages, there have been whispers of a secretive machine cult holding court somewhere far below the streets of New Foundry. Perhaps this item is somehow connected to them?

Kasa and New Foundry are sister capitals of Braided Shore. Kasa being the older sister and New Foundry the younger. Back when New Foundry was still in its infancy, the residents there discovered an ancient train hall which they dubbed "The Kiln."

The Tombac deer is a mechanical animal that once was the pride and glory of the Machinists Union. What led up to its destruction is shrouded in mystery. The remains of the deer can be viewed in the Hall of Machine Wonders in New Foundry.

The Coroner's embargo of Kasa and many ferry lines makes it impossible to visit the Northern capital of New Foundry...

But when the embargo ends you must travel to the marvellous city of smokestacks, parks and peacocks...

With a bit of luck you will find me at the Machinists' Union lodge, and permit me to offer you a cup of New Foundry smoked Tea!

