News Heralds

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I'm hoping to get some actual facts about what happened in Kasa from the news heralds any day now.

News heralds stand in the center of cities and report news from around Braided Shore.


News heralds randomly spawn in city centers and are usually accompanied by a small crowd. One news herald will look different from another.



News heralds will announce news related to the current Chapter.

Chapter Zero

Take note, Khelim!
Spoiler frog.png This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Arch Council suddenly disbanded in Kasa!

Cobalt Ribbon Gang robbery spree around Crossings!

Tabac Toe Gang active along the Old Road!

New Foundry council now acting Arch Council!

The Council offers reward for any news regarding missing Councillors!

Woodland beasts sighted nearer roads and settlements!

Unsanctioned bird message to and from Kasa prohibited!

Mysterious circumstances behind Arch Council disbandment!

Southern Unions rage against Council powers centered in the North!

Famine fears as half-Winds devastate crops near Crossings!

Rivenleaf mystics investigates afflicted crops near Crossings!

Trade values of local goods plummet in Kasa!

Trade values soar on imported goods in Kasa!

Saltmussel shells trade value equals silver, keeps rising!

Myrt merchants ban sales of Myrt Teas outside of Myrt!

Shortage of barrells due to mysterious hoarder in Myrt!

Bounty of The Puppet Master increased further by the Council!

Myr lighthouse failing! Master Voice Karimn assigned to investigate!

Home devastated by fire in The Burnings, family forced into vagrancy!

Coroner strike-falcons hunt down message birds around Kasa!

Legendary crescent stolen from Kasa museum!

Sabir Bath Mytro spotted walking the shores of Urn's Crack River!

Evidence of Boat King's treasure found near Skirr Island!

Suspended Warden Arch Councillor Tobruc in business with Tea merchant in Myrt!

Frenzied Sefra suspected behind reports of crazed forest animals!

Grower's Union leader Barka travels the South, urging calm among members!
