Tabac Toe Gang

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Fine! The Tabac Toes will accept us as members if their tribute is bloody!

A ruthless Gang known in robbing wayfarers along the Old Road between Myr and Crossings. Their members can be seen around Braided Shore, but they most commonly hang out at Crescent Link.


When it comes to their appearance, we have limited information about their actual looks. In the game, Tabac Gang members don a charcoal-colored robe that conceals their features, much like other bandit characters.

Known Members

  1. Chief Smuggler Mukla and Trained Wolf
  2. Aspiring Bandits
  3. Tabac Toe Bandit
  4. Tabac Toe


Usual Tabac Toe Bandits drop 3 of the following items. Usually 1 weapon, 1 equipment, and 1 random item.


The Tabac Toe Gang is primarily notorious for ambushing travelers along the Old Road between Myr and Crossings. However, recent sightings reveal their collaboration with local smugglers, joining forces to fend off Pirates raiding the East coast. Eliminating this gang has proven to be a complex endeavour due to the strategic advantage they provide in countering the pirates.

The initiation into the Tabac Toes necessitates aspiring members to commit acts of robbery, potentially causing harm or even death to passersby. This requirement underscores the ruthlessness and danger associated with this criminal organization.


The Cobalt Ribbon Gang

There are rumors circulating that The Cobalt Ribbon Gang shares resources with the Tabac Toe Gang. These speculations are contradicted by The Ribbon's lament, which hints at ongoing conflicts and internal strife between the Tabac Toes and other gangs, including the Cobalt Ribbon. This suggests a complex and intricate web of alliances and rivalries within the criminal underworld, making the situation even more intriguing and volatile.


Tabac Toe Gang is responsible for the clash against the pirates and keeping them at bay.


The Tabac Toe Gang is said to recruit only the cruellest villians. Or was it that only the cruellest members survive for long. No matter, the results is much the same.

We had to fight off a group of Tabac's last night... They have begun sneaking into our camps and stealing things. Sometimes even trying to put hurt ot our best fighters. It is a dark time for those who choose to live free from the shackles of society, when bandit turns against bandit.

Fine! The Tabac Toes will accept us as members if their tribute is bloody!

Aspiring Bandit
