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Rumors are an important part of the Braided Shore. This page is dedicated to keeping track of, organizing, and substantiating the rumors heard in the Braided Shore. Unlike other dialogue, rumors are not unique to a single NPC or set of NPCs and may be repeated by multiple random NPC characters primarily in the squares and teahouses of the three towns, Myr, Bat Saha, and Crossings. This distinguishes them from the reports of the Town Reporters or the custom poems of other NPCS which appear in italic. Selka, Malku Su, and Sah Basir NPCs also sometimes speak lore in italics that relates to their culture and these NPCs are identified by race. Those sayings are recorded in the page about each racial group.

In addition many rumors are mutually contradictory, speculative, and therefore unreliable. However some have proven to reveal quests, secrets, and events.

The South

There have never been rain so much in the South as it has now, I wonder how come?


see Kasa Rumors Topics: Kasa Council Politics, the Next Kasa Council Election, the Kasa Sewers, Kasa Incident, Conditions in Kasa, the Blockade of Kasa

The North

New Foundry

New Foundry is the city of industry and manufacture! Have you ever been?

Rivenleaf University

Rivenleaf is a great seat of learning for both the mystical and the mundane. It lies far, far to the North

The West

Bat Saha

Several mushrooms can be foraged from various spawn points in Bat Saha. No mushrooms grow on Bat Saha Island...It can be good business to borrow a boat and go inland to collect some and trade them for local goods.

Char Cape Passage

My great uncle used to be the Rail Warden at Char Cape Passage! Elim said he was a very big grump.

Charwood Forest

I like Crossings, but the weird types over in Charwood makes my hair stand on edge.
I've been hearing stories about a weird light deep in Charwood at night. Don't people ever sleep?
I was taking a long walk over by the Charwood outskirts. I could smell the magic inside.

Kuro Orchard

There's ancient pottery in Kuro Orchard. My sister found some once. We have it in a box on the mantlepiece.
Kuro Orchard is supposed to incomparably beautiful in the evening. They say it has something to do with how the shadows play.

Orchard Mill/Kuro Mill

You cannot currently mill grains you find at the mill in Kuro Orchard. If you have grains to mill, you should head to the Orchard Mill.
The millers at Orchard Mill are kind people, they will not charge poor farmers more than they can afford.

Lakatos String

Want to grab a boat to Ovi Talif? We can fish at Lakatos String!

There are smugglers sailing the Lakatos String again. I heard fishermen blaming the tides, and the fact that the Western Winds have been very calm recently.

Little Slip

At the Voices' Tavern you can gamble and win, so they say...But lose, and you will never be the same person again.

This rumor seems to refer to The Cloud and their game of passage in the Voices' Tavern in Little Slip.


There are more boats than ever coming from New Foundry. The docks here will surely be a good place for trade for Northern goods.
This rumor can be heard in Myr and Little Slip I'm glad we have no permanent Windreader in Myr...Children are just not safe around mystics and their dangerous Knots...An island is the best place for the likes of them.
Everyone knows that the best Tea is found in Myr, right?
This rumor may refer to the Lovers Ribbon area in Myr. This rumor can be heard in Little Slip They say Myr is such a happy place because that is where the first and oldest Braided Path lies...Couples come all the way from Billows and New Foundry to walk it...
This rumor can be heard in Little Slip and may refer to The Sleeper. Before the railway, Myr was a major shipping port...The water in the bay runs deeper than one might expect.
This rumor can be heard in Myr Have you been to our union leader's villa West of Myr, Khelim?
This rumor can be heard in Myr You don't see many beggars in Myr...Probably they sustain themselves on the crumbs spilling from our cargo-boats and freight-trains
This rumor can be heard in Little Slip and may refer to The Sleeper. They say that people get into strife around here tend to resettle near Myr. Why that is, I do not know. Perhaps it is the nearness to The Verve.


This rumor seems to refer to the Myrt Tea Auction I heard some merchant grumble about having to go to the Open Teahouse Market in Myrt to barter for Myrt Tea.
They say councillor Tobruc of the Warden's Union has retired to Myrt now that the council has been disbanded.
Seems related to the rumor below Rumour has it someone in Myrt is trying to grow salt-shell clams in barrels.
Seems related to the rumor above. The price of barrels in Myrt are supposed to be high.

The Burnings

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Mystics work in strange ways, everyone knows that...But The Burnings being a place for rituals..? Must be something about those furnaces...Fire magic no doubt...
There are wolves out by The Burnings...It's not the safest place to journey. Nor the prettiest neither.

Western Verve

The Western Verve Train Depot is always full of Travellers...It makes for an interesting place from which to watch the world go by.

The East

I once walked the Braided Path together with my heart's desire. Looking back today, I'd rather cross the Harrow Sump on my knees than do that again!

Unknown Locations

They say that somewhere in an Eastern cave, the last of the ancient Voices still lives...
Do you know of the man-stones in the deep woods? The old folk say their true name is 'Ghoulem'...I would never go near one.
A wise mystic camps near ancient stones where rare dreams visit most sleepers.
This rumor was heard in Bat Saha Did you know that you can fish in the Cobalt Basin? Not everybody knows that...
Rumour has it that a few Sefra Voices still exist in far and away places of Braided Shore.
This rumor was heard in Myr I heard a Malku farmstead burned down in the east...poor people.


See Individuals Rumors


The Asken League

This rumor was overheard in Myr and refers to the Malku Su Shopkeeper Vers. The Asken League's hostile attitude toward the Malku Su living in Braided Shore is confirmed by the Cobalt-dyed knot message. I heard that the Asken League is getting bolder. I hope our shopkeeper stays safe.
This rumor was heard in Myr. The Asken League's hostile attitude toward the Malku Su living in Braided Shore is confirmed by the Cobalt-dyed knot message. I heard a Malku farmstead burned down in the east...poor people.


I've got a friend in the Wardens. She says that Kasa goods are popping up in Bandit markets.
Have you seen the bandit who fights with a hook for a hand? I've heard he killed more folk than last season's fever!
There ought to be more wardens around here, there are certainly enough smugglers!
Based on Hakham Sy's account, this rumor seems true. The Bandit Gang calling themselves "The Cobalt Ribbon" are apparently not as bloodthirsty as many of the others.

Tips On Identifying Gang Affiliation

If dark, cobalt ribbons decorate somebody's clothing, they could be a member of The Cobalt Ribbon Gang...
If you see someone wearing a jade glove on their left hand, they will be a member of the Jade Hand Gang!
Should you see someone covering their face with a glittering net, you'll be looking at a member of the Crystal Skulls Clan!
Should you discover someone with a cinnabar stain on their boot, they might be a member of The Tabac Toe Gang...

Tabac Toe Gang

The Tabac Toe Gang is said to recruit only the cruellest villians. Or was it that only the cruellest members survive for long. No matter, the results is much the same.

The Coroners

See The Coroners Rumors

The Patterfoot Gang

This rumor references The Patterfoot Gang event and can be confirmed to be true. Have you heard about those Kasa street kids supposedly smuggling out Kasa delicacies under the noses of the Coroner's guards? I wonder if there is any truth to that tale?


This rumor was heard in Bat Saha I saw some members of the Bridge Builder Cult today. I can't explain why they scare me...But they do.

The Unions

The union leaders are all out and about keeping order among their members… What happened in Kasa has got everyone in the South rattled…
I was told that Teko, the Machinist's Union leader has been seen working on a broken locomotive in the great train depot. She is still there, apparently.
This rumor was heard in Bat Saha, may refer to the Mystic Seeking Adventurers Did you see the Mystics come through a while back? Apparently a crate from the Esoteric Union was stolen, I wonder what was inside?

Dakst Barka

Based on a comment from the News Heralds, this rumor seems supported. Barka, the Grower's Union leader, is travelling the land speaking to her union members.......I wonder what her message is.
This rumor seems untrue. According to Chief Warden Hassam who is staying at Dakst Barka's house, they are recovering from a wound. Barka must be under some suspicion. I have heard a warden is stationed at the Barka residence at the moment.
This rumors is true. Chief Warden Hassam is staying at the Barka residence. Have you heard that a high ranking Warden has been a long time guest at the Barka residence?
This rumor can be heard in Myr Have you been to our union leader's villa West of Myr, Khelim?
This rumor can be heard in Myr They say Grower's Union leader Dakst Barka is already campaigning to be voted back into the Kasa council.

Warden's Union

If you win sparring against one of Master Gij's junior wardens, you'll get to keep the wooden sword! But you'll have to go to Crossroads to do so...A losing warden must make a replacement wooden sword as an incentive to not lose their next fight. No wonder Master Gij's students fight so fiercely.



Dialogue conditions Dialogue
The Custom House's Watch Master trades confiscated goods. Everybody knows that.
This rumor was heard in Crossings, and is confirmed by unlocking special dialogue with the Cobalt Ribbon Lookout I've heard that smugglers hide concealed boats all along the Verve Coast...
I've got a friend in the Wardens. She says that Kasa goods are popping up in Bandit markets.
This rumor was heard in Myr and may refer to the Cobalt Ribbon Gang Gathering Shady ruffians and their boats have been seen making landfall by night on the banks of the streams nearby...

Illicit Substances

Apparently there is a turnip cellar under a mill somewhere, where mushroomshine is brewed...It's classed as contraband in Kasa and New Foundry...
This rumor was heard in Bat Saha Don't mention Gulf Weed around here, whatever you do...


Rumors has it that one of the noble houses run an illegal gambling house in Kasa


Crossings' Crops

See Crossings' Crops Rumors

Warden Raid

This detail confirms what we know of the Warden Raid event. A friend of a friend is a warden. They've told me there is going to be a raid on a bandit camp one of these nights.

Quest Hints

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Possibly relates to Vastila I saw a package warden the other day...
Possibly relates to the falcon messengers mentioned in A narrative found at a roadside, Knot weave diary fragment, Plain string knot message, or Singer rosary I saw a falcon pass overhead with a message not long ago...
Relates to the Deliver a Master iron cog quest Some say they saw a broken down engine barge by the docks...
Relates to the Deliver a Master iron cog quest That broken ship pouring smoke all over the place is said to need master iron parts to get its machinery back in running order...Good luck to them with that in this part of the world...

Unexplained Phenomena

I heard some fishers found a huge clam in their nets, and it had a small child inside it.
Did you hear about the boy whose sister suddenly went missing?
Any old Asken can distinguish a new Asken from half a rest away, no matter how they try to conceal it. I hear it's not true the other way around though...

Giant Head

Someone said there was a murder in Kasa, and the head of the murderer now haunts the woods! Sefra's blessings, I do hope that is not true!

Enchanted Grain

I wonder if it's a blessing or a curse to have your crops enchanted..?...People are saying the bandits are stealing the stuff by the bag load!

I'd love to see some enchanted grain! I wonder if it's dangerous?

Living Door

There was a ghostly door appearing in the woods south of Kasa at the time of the Incident. I wonder if the two events are somehow connected.

Pottery Shards

Heard about the woman who's got so many shards of pottery that her floor is like a pin cushion? I hear she sleeps outside in a hammock!
This rumor indicates the significance of Cobalt-glazed tile shards I'm going to find the shard he wants - it can't be that hard to find a cobalt glaze!
This rumor indicates the significance of Cobalt-glazed tile shards Do you know why so many are gossiping about broken pieces of cobalt pottery, lately? It defies all reason!
The children digging about in the dirt at the old potter's field, does anyone know what is that all about?

Supernatural Creatures


I heard a story of a Maisu wearing the skin of an Asken and using the disguise to hunt people. The very thought of it gives me nightmares.
There is currently no known scholar who is interested in Maisu. I showed irrefutable proof of maisu existence to that scholar, but they turned me away. They insisted that I had soiled my own underpants when it was clearly a maisu that did it.


See Omin Rumors


See Sefra Rumors

The Sleeper

I've heard mention of a supernatural being called "The Sleeper" who communicates to its growing number of followers through someone called "The Herald". It appears to be connected to some kind of cult older than The Elden.

Braided Shore Culture


How much of our dreams are real? I'm quite different when I'm awake...Is one or the other more genuine?
I've never met a lucky person born under a bad sign...


Those who run often miss the treasures that Fate has placed at their feet...
Have you heard some foreigners carve symbols into pieces of wood instead of using Knots as writing? How odd!


I've been maturing a new kind of cheese...When it's ripened I might trade it...On the next pop-up market!
Most everyone enjoys roasting chestnuts and eating them with honey almost every evening. No wonder you can find chestnut shells lying in little piles here and there...
This rumor was heard in Bat Saha I've heard seafood turns your hair gray when you get old. We should get more cattle on the island!

Magic and Cooking

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
A mystic once asked me for some herbs to put in their magic casserole...I felt it prudent to just walk away.
Be careful cooking with Knotweed...Magic can have unforeseen effects on food...
Some spices are also used as magic reagents in spells and spell Knots. Did you know that?

Social Rituals

Are your kids as crazy about Pin-Pebble-Pouch as mine are?

The Braided Path

A couple walked the Wedding Circle here not long ago. It's a shame I missed the feast, but I'm told they wanted a private ceremony.
This rumor may refer to the Lovers Ribbon area in Myr. This rumor can be heard in Little Slip They say Myr is such a happy place because that is where the first and oldest Braided Path lies...Couples come all the way from Billows and New Foundry to walk it...
I once walked the Braided Path together with my heart's desire. Looking back today, I'd rather cross the Harrow Sump on my knees than do that again!

Societal Differences


I'm glad we have no permanent Windreader in Myr...Children are just not safe around mystics and their dangerous Knots...An island is the best place for the likes of them.
I've met a few mystics in my time. Is it just me, or are they getting younger?
This Rumor was heard in Myr I don't trust what the Windreaders say! They are not like us common folk.


Get an oil lantern if you aim to travel in bad weather. You just can't trust a candle lamp in the wind.


Currently the train does not travel to Kasa due to the blockade. If I had enough for the fare, I would ride the train all the way to Kasa! Yes, I would!

Wind Lore

Don't blame the Western Wind for your muddled mind.
Don't blame the Southern Wind if you lose your temper.
Don't blame the Eastern Wind if you act overzealously.
Don't blame the Northern Wind for your own laziness.
As steadfast as the Eastern Wind!
As sprightly as the Southern Wind!
As warm and willing as the Western Wind!
As sharp and soothing as the Northern Wind!
Heed not the southeastern wind,
for it is volatile, hectic and careless.
We are all like feathers in a stream thrown to the Winds like dander seeds!
You'll know it's a windsong when you hear it! It's like the Winds themselves accompany the musician. It is truly a remarkable thing...

The Natural World


This rumor is heard of Myr. May refer to either the Uncanny Deer or the Knowing Deer The deer around here are remarkably unafraid of folk.


see Reagent Rumors

Trade Goods

Salt-shell items

Currently there is no item called a salt-shell pearl in the game. There is a similarly named item the Saltmussel pearl, but whether this is what this rumor refers to is unknown. Have you noticed the value increase in salt-shell pearls?
This rumor was found in Myr I miss the salt-shell pearl traders that used to pass through here to and from Myrt.
This rumor was found in Little Slip I long for the taste of salt-shell clams...But you just can't get them any longer...
This rumor was found in Myr Rumour has it someone in Myrt is trying to grow salt-shell clams in barrels.


Refers to Rainstones Some rare stones shine when they are wet with rain. Should you find a rain stone, you should treasure it.


Is it true that long legs make you walk faster.