Lakatos String

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"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

Locations lakatos-string main 01.jpg

Illegal goods are gathered up and shipped to a governmental storehouse in New Foundry or Kasa...Though smaller amounts of contraband we might torch here on the spot...

A coastal location characterized by its strategic position as a connecting point between the Crying Coast and The Verve. This area serves as a hub for trade and maritime activities, with trade ships from Ovi Talif passing through on their way to Bat Saha and New Foundry. The presence of an inlet, known as the Casso Inlet, provides a natural passage for ships traveling to Kasa and other destinations.

Customs Wardens

The region is patrolled and monitored by a group of customs wardens who are responsible for enforcing regulations and inspecting the cargo of ships passing through. Their primary objective is to prevent smuggling and ensure that trade operations comply with the Council's import and trade tax requirements. The customs wardens maintain a vigilant watch over the Western sea, where most large shipping and foreign vessels navigate, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activities or attempts to evade taxes.

Lakatos String have a customs station, with facilities to process and store confiscated goods, including a strongroom where such items are secured. However, there have been instances where confiscated goods mysteriously disappear from the strongroom, indicating potential corruption or theft within the customs station. These potential thefts upset one of the guards, who explains the duty of customs as part of the Wardens' Union, their dedication to maintaining integrity and ensuring the fairness of business operations.


Lakatos String features a notable landmark, a lighthouse. This lighthouse serves as a beacon guiding ships and signaling their presence in the area. Interestingly, a prisoner is held within the lighthouse, suggesting that it also serves as a makeshift prison or holding facility for individuals who have committed offenses within the jurisdiction of the customs wardens.



  • Second inlet toll house


  • Mist Keeper Lowlands
  • Old Vasa Pier
  • Tollmaster Harbour






Good day, Wanderer!

This inlet connects the Crying Coast to The Verve...

Trade ships from Ovi Talif go by here on their way to Bat Saha and New Foundry...
Illegal goods are gathered up and shipped to a governmental storehouse in one of the capitals...
Though smaller amounts of contraband we might torch here on the spot.

Between you and me, Nomad... Confiscated goods has been known to disappear from the strongroom from time to time.
When I catch whoever to pilferer is I will come down on them like a ton of rocks! Wardens in general, and Customs Wardens in particular bond under an unwritten contract of honesty and trust. That is what makes the Union of Wardens unbreakable...
Any one who dishonors this contract weakens the spirit of the Warden's call.

Good Day... It is important we keep a wakeful eye to the Western sea...
Most large shipping and foreign ocean vessels head South to Kasa via the Casso Inlet...
Some may pass North to anchor at the mouth of The Verve... Spending boats with their cargo on to Bat Saha.
From time to time, we get some far sails shipping... A ship seeking a port in a storm or some high spirited entrepreneur crew trying to avoiding the big city import tax.
We keep two message falcons at the station if we should need to call for backup.
These peaceful time have made them grown fat and lazy... You've made me realize I should get them on some kind of exercise plan... If we get a crisis, I'm not sure they could make a non-stop flight to Bat Saha, let alone Kasa!

Most of the Ships and barges we check are run by law-abiding folk...
But I can't help but be continually dissapointed in how often we find a piece of cargo or two...
That has been 'forgotten about' in a skipper's manifest. They mostly come at night...
Those who'd cheat the Council out of its rightful import and trade taxes. Not to mention those greddy irresponsibles who try to bring in prohibited food.

How fares the night, Wanderer?

They come at night, those who'd cheat the council out of their tax revenue...
Not to mention those who try to bring prohibited goods into the market.
As a stranger you might find the concept of prohibited goods odd...
It is somewhat a relic of the Halzhaan Age that more or less has lived on as a tradition...
Intoxicating products was judged deterimental to the constructive-and fighting-spirits of the realm....
Except for the obviously detrimental effect of dragon weed, much that was traditionally classed as contraband is now fully legal to trade...

It is up to the councils to debate what products get branded contraband and what does not...
