Individuals Rumors

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This page records Rumors about specific characters known or unknown in the game.

Unlike other dialogue, rumors are not unique to a single NPC or set of NPCs and may be repeated by multiple random NPC characters primarily in the squares and teahouses of the three towns, Myr, Bat Saha, and Crossings. This distinguishes them from the reports of the Town Reporters or the custom poems of other NPCS which appear in italic. Selka Rumors, Malku Su Rumors, and Sah Basir Rumors NPCs also sometimes speak lore in italics that relates to their culture and these NPCs are identified by race.

This rumor may refer to Resna Rosespring There is an old lady living in a ramshackle hut somewhere hereabouts...They say she's a Hedge Witch...Amongst other things...
This rumor may refer to Skif Baht Osso There was a journey teacher through here just now.. I wonder if they were an aspirant or a candidate?
This rumor was heard in Myr I've seen the very same Knot mystic on the road to Kasa three times! She said it was far from a coincidence. What do you think she meant by that?
That crazy bird woman. I hear she sends her foul fowls out to steal seeds from people!
This rumor was found in Myr That old professor was seen around here again, trading shellfish and talking nonsense!
This rumor may refer to the One-eyed Merchant and has been heard in Crossings I once met a really pushy merchant here, there was something about him that I didn't trust.
There's a crafter around here who's been cursed...They won't stop singing to the moon, wouldn't even stop to eat!
A wise mystic camps near ancient stones where rare dreams visit most sleepers.
This rumor seems to confirm the fact that the Milomak Brother indicates that he is always on the lookout for unusual materials to craft garments from. I saw a cape made of seaweed once. Only the Milomak Twins could have made such a thing...
This rumor seems to refer to Professor Linhea Did you hear there is a scholar that travels about trying to make a systematic catalogue of Omin species?
This rumor was heard in Crossings. Possibly refers to Let and Tel, two of the Huddling Fishers. Have you seen the fisher who's obsessed with catching the Pike-king?
Both of them are supposed to be from around here somewhere.
This rumor was heard in Myr. Have you heard of that artist living above the old clay quarry? I'm trying to remember their name...
This rumor was heard in Crossings. Have you seen that handsome-looking mystic apprentice?...Came by here looking to trade for some sulphur, they did... ...Wouldn't mind feasting my eyes on them again.
This rumor refers to the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper I'm told the Myr lighthouse keeper can't sleep without the sound of the sea in his ears.
I saw a Rivenleaf Professor travelling south the other day. I've never seen a robe that clean.
May refer to Rensad Ronz Everybody knows cobalt is a colour... But I've heard that there is a painter that speaks of it as if it were a living THING.
This rumor was heard in Crossings There's someone dressed like a bandit out on the road. You don't think he's an actual bandit though?
This rumor was heard in Myr A trader offered me a cobalt apple once...Who has ever heard of a cobalt apple...I fear the merchant might have been a man-shaping Sefra!

Blade of the Shore

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
This rumor was heard in Myr and refers to Tarek This "Blade of the Shore" claims to be some great adventurer, but so far all I've heard about them is how boastful they are.
This rumor was heard in Myr and refers to Tarek Some farmer is wandering around calling himself the "Blade of the Shore", or some such nonsense.