Skif Baht Osso

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Skif Baht Osso.png

Skif Baht Osso walks the roat between Siram Fields and Myr. Skif has a unique dialogue behavior where they have different dialogue depending on the location they are in.


Skif is usually found on the road.


Skif Baht Osso, otherwise known as the Seasoned Scholar Examiner, is from the city of Osso-by-the-canal and a scholarly examinee attempting to pass their candidate exam. Skif Baht Osso travels between locations along the Western Harvest Route. They teach economics classes to children in Myr.


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to them in Crossings Ahh, Crossings! The children here know all about the Winds of course...They tend to be a bit slower when it comes to Knot reading though...As far as I can tell, you are a stranger in this land? Let me teach you...Knots are tied in shapes that symbolise particular sounds. From a string of Knots can be read whole sentences...Knots can also be fashioned into weave-scrolls that hold entire texts...Colour can be added to these weaves, creating picture texts, that illustrate and animate simultaneously...Some mystics, called Knot Binders, whisper words of making over their Knots, giving them miraculous properties...
If you speak to them in Myr Hello! It's always nice to visit Myr...I am teaching the children here the basics of our economy...I'll explain to them how the unions set the comparative values of our goods and services...How parts of all produce and service deeds are collected as tax and distributed... So that all citizen share in each others efforts and rewards...Excess goods are collected by local council tax officials...To be either invested in communal endeavours or be exported...Exports are traded overseas, imports brought back to be traded for by the populace
If you speak to them in Myr a second time Hello again... I'm pretty sure I have told you more than enough on Braided Shore already.
If you speak to them in Kuro Orchard Hello! The Kuro Orchard road is my favourite part of my route! I have been educating the Miller's children here...They are still a bit hazy on the subject of our system of government...The twelve unions that control the comparative trade values of goods and services...The Merchant's Union, the Grower's Union & the Crafter's Union... The Machinist Union, the Hand's Union & the Esoteric Union...The Warden's Union, the Woodshaper's Union & the Learner's Union...The Skald's Union, the Water Worker's Union...and finally the Free Union, encompassing all folk not covered by the first eleven unions...
If you speak to them in Kuro Orchard again Hello again... I think you've heard me list the twelve unions enough lately...
If you speak to them in Western Harvest Route Hello, Wanderer! Talking all day to my students, I keep forgetting if I've introduced myself? Skif Baht Osso is my name... I am a Journey aspirant, striving to earn the rank of Candidate...I am from the city Osso by the Canal...As a stranger to this land, you might not be familiar with the title 'Baht'...? It basically means "from"...
If you speak to them in Western Harvest Route again Hello, Wanderer! My job as a wayfarer teacher often takes me up and down this road... Hope to see you again...