Woodshaper's Union

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The Woodshaper's Union supports and protects the interests of carpenters, woodcutters and woodcarvers across the land. If you have woodwork need doing, don't hesitate to ask any of our members. They will be happy to aid you by deed or advice.

The Woodshaper's Union is made up of carpenters, woodcutters and woodcarvers.



  1. The Woodshaper's, Crafter's & Hand's Unions collaborated together to build the bridge at Char Cape Passage in the era Halzhaan III.
  2. The Woodshaper's, Crafter's, Hand's & Merchant's Unions collaborated together to build the bridge at Obo's Blade Pass.
  3. The Woodshapers of Kasa have provided a stash of spare wheels for carts in need at Obo's Blade Pass[1]


Crafter's Union

It is rare for members from both Unions to work together.[2] However, historically the two Unions have collaborated on projects such as bridge building. It is not known if this cooperation was done willingly as Council members can force them to work together, including when important roads need repairing.[3]

Dim-witted Engraver

The Dim-witted Engraver has plans in wanting to bring woodcarvers to the Skald's Union if he ever becomes an official.


Is it true that Woodshaper's Union representative Skarif has gone missing. Where do you think she could have disappeared to?

