Dim-witted Engraver

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Dim Witted Engraver.png


The Burnings in the Skald Union's Retreat.


When you speak with the Dim-witted Engraver the first time Hello there! I'm at the stage of suffering the sketching of my subject out of doors...I must say I enjoy the creative process of being an engraver the least...Too many variables...I love the meticulous etching and treatment of my plates more...Technical skill is the pillar of true graphical art if you ask me.
When you speak with the Dim-witted Engraver the second time Hello again, Wanderer! As I was saying, I do favour the technical side of the graphic arts, but in all honesty I must confess that my true passion is in administration... There is just something so enticing about charts and forms... I have been told I am on the shortlist of being offered an official position within the Skald's Union! The Skald's Union includes all the creative arts, from music to imagery in all their many forms... Only the woodcarvers belong to the Woodshaper's Union of course... In fact it is on my agenda to bring them in under the Skald's banner if I'm ever elected to Union Leader... Yes I know, I'm getting ahead of myself, but as a Skald member I'm allowed to dream. We are the Union of dreamers after all, aren't we? What do you think of our Retreat? The Skald's Union allows any member that requires somewhere away to polish their work to stay here. You could even book it for private use. If you are friendly with a high ranking official that is. Speaking of which, our Union leader, Dalpina resides in the Skald's Union villa in Kasa... It is a sad effect of the coroners's blockade that we can't enjoy her company at the moment...