The Burnings
They found me wandering The Burnings, talking nonsense, not knowing who I was or even recognizing my own family.
- Lokid Station - The end of the Draisines' railtrack and a small shelter to rest under, nearby there loams a tall structure.
- Skald's Retreat - A small hut housing several Artists. It is also a good place to harvest
Tuft of animal hair
- Furnace Pathway
- House of the Char Eagle
- Kuro Orchard
- Kuro Ravine
- Lokid Graveyards
- Lokid Remnants
- Marble Soot Meadow
- Old Factory Road
- Western Duct
- South Kuro Orchard
- Urrom Salk
- Little Slip - North-West
- Little Slip - North
- Myr - Eastern Railroad
- Kuro Orchard - South-Eastern corner
- Kuro Orchard - South
- Cellar - behind the Skald's Retreat
- The Underbelly - North-East Structure
- The Underbelly - Middle Structure, beside Lokid Station
Drop 1
- List here
Drop 2
Drop 3
- List here
Drop 4
- List here
Drop 5
- List here
Drop 6
Drop 7 (Favourable loot)
Notable loots Skills:
Drop 8
- List here
Drop 9
- List here
Drop 10
Drop 11
Drop 12
- List here
Drop 13
Drop 14
- List here
Drop 15
Drop 16
Drop 17
Drop 18
Drop 19
- List here
Drop 20
Drop 21
Drop 22
Drop 23
Drop 24
Much of the lore related to The Burnings appears as in-game descriptions of the Lokid remnants. They describe structures that were constructed by long lost technology. The visible Lokid remnants are only the top level. There may well be other structures underground. However, despite their abandoned appearance, inspection reveals that much of the machinery is still being used.
"A cracked and weathered furnace is all that remains of a once mighty structure. Soot streaks between the rocks is evidence of recent activity."
"This pile of stones appears to once have been the cornerstone of a large building complex."
"This weather blunted stonework appears to be buried deep into the ground. It appears possible to have been part of the top level of some underground structure."
"This tower like ruin appears to once have been used as a furnace. Shimmering streaks on the inside of the kiln speaks of a glazing technology long lost to time."
"Although ruined by time, this stonework was erected using techniques long forgotten today."
"A scattering of old masonry is all that remains of some advanced civilisation's stonework."
"These traces of ancient architecture bears traces of once having been some kind of factory."
There are several references to ancient and potentially miraculous Elden furnaces in The Burnings.
The Jade furnace might be a myth, but it is said that one of The Burnings ancient furnaces contain hidden machinery that if it could be repaired would be able to refine jade dust out of common soil and refine it into jade drops. If the myth was proven true, unimaginable riches would be within reach for the person who got the jade furnace working.
When the message arrived it came as a surprise. I grabbed all the bags and baskets I had in the house and left to the place I was instructed. When I got there, I found no trace of my benefactor. Only a squat rectangular engine, heavy with years and industrial machine parts. It moved as if by its own volition. A pair of pistons beating a puddle of muddy ooze on the ground. A frayed cord was tied to one of the stubby levers of the machine, the knot spelling out a single word; ""This"". Hesitantly I reached for the lever, and putting all my strength behind the effort I pulled at it. The machine emitted a cloud of smoke and a roar. The ground beneath me opened and I fell down into the dark, losing consciousness. They found me wandering The Burnings, talking nonsense, not knowing who I was or even recognizing my own family. Only now, weeks later have I been able to gather my wits enough to take this down as I remember it. Though I am thankful to be alive, somewhere in my heart I hope I never regain any memories recalling what happened to me down there in the underground.
Day 36 -- I've decided to take a day's rest. The nasty thickets to the East of the Burnings have proven too hostile for me to penetrate.
I've pitched my shelter by what a local shepherd called 'The Blasted Furnace'. The ripe cheese and wholesome rye bread I traded off the shepherd made a fine eve-meal.
As I doze off to sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what calamity once happened here to scar the ground so badly, that to this day, things appear reluctant to grow here...
Knot weave diary fragment recounts the author's nocturnal experiences camping near The Blasted Furnace, one of the larger Lokid remnants.
Before February 8, 2022, the entrances to The Underbelly had this description:
"A machined, reinforced door is set deep into this ancient stone foundation. It appears that a mechanism of some kind must be activated to open this heavy gate."