Seasoned Hunter

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Stay down wind of danger, Wanderer...


The Seasoned Hunter appears in the rougher areas of the Braided Shore during the day or night. They will warn you about some of the dangers of these areas.



Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Speaking to Seasoned Hunter the first time Hey there, good fellow...You are not lost are you? There are many dangers skulking about unseen in these woods...Especially after nightfall.Can you recognize the heavy thumps of a Kettem? The fluttering shroud and sulphurous odor of a Maisu? How about the unnatural silence of a stalking pack of wolves? Know you that the weaker ones will try to herd you towards the most ferocious one? Well, if you didn't know before, I hope you do now...It's always sad to come across the remains of some overconfident town-dweller out of their depth in the wild. Good luck on your way, Wanderer...
Speaking to the Seasoned Hunter the second time We'd better separate now. We'll draw more attention to ourselves if we travel together...
