Can you recognize the heavy thumps of a Kettem?
The subject of this page has been affected by a recent Game update and the way it functions in-game has changed.
As of Game Update - June 11, 2024, all Kettem are no longer present in the game. A number of characters related to the disappearance of the Kettem and other supernatural creatures were released at that time.
Also known as the spirit of the middle winds, Kettem are formless but strong and malicious Half winds which animate objects around them to build up into a massive form, causing destruction.
In Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, kettem can be found animating wood and ships, but there are also reports of kettem using seaweed and hay[1].
Mystics based in West Wind Shores are studying kettem. Kettem are blind, but are able to sense living things nearby. They have the strength of a raging ox, and are able to demolish houses in seconds. In some cases, the wind can make many smaller kettem rather than a single, large one.
A core inflamed by the Half-Wind, called the Kettem crux, is needed for a kettem to appear.
Other Types
- West Wind Shores
- x1 named Ruben at Charwood Forest, beside Resna Rosespring.
The Kettem always drops
And drops 2-4 of the following:
- Almond cask
- Ancestral Sah Basir sack
- Billows bag
- Brewer's drum
- Cedar tree cage
- Ceramic bun pot
- Char-coloured knapsack
- Char-tinted roll
- Cobalt knapsack
- Cobalt-coloured sack
- Comfortable char roll
- Common sack
- Deep jade sack
- Double-pocketed roll
- Farmer's backpack
- Fig bark basket
- Foreign food barrel
- Hermit's simple sack
- Light pear tree crate
- Sheep leather sack
- Silk sack
- Spacious roll
- Standard leather sack
- Standard New Foundry backpack
- Strong laced roll
- Tiny leather roll
- Traditional Kasa sack
- Umber mining sack
- Wanderer's sturdy backpack
- Wolf fur backpack
- Actor's humorous tunic
- Airy running cloth
- Amrusian cover
- Bark string plating
- Chain gang official shirt
- Cinnabar clothing
- Clothing from Myr
- Conductor's insulated vest
- Deep cobalt guarding
- Deep sulfur leather piece
- Deep umber fold
- Factory-made dense garb
- Factory-made jacket
- Field bandit's chestguard
- Flower-scented tunic
- Foreign design clothing
- Gull feather garb
- Halfrobe of the Myrt Tea Cooperative
- Halfrobe of the Or Hab Cult
- Hamsham Malku tunic
- Hood suit of Ovi Talif
- Jade clothing
- Jade explorer's vest
- Jade silk vestment
- Kasa common halfrobe
- Kasa portworker's shirt
- Modern jacket
- Neatly-folded linum cloth
- New Foundry-style robe
- Odd don of the Imhra Pavilion
- Old scholar's robe
- Pale jade leather guard
- Patterned cinnabar robe
- Plain shirt
- Simple shirt of the harvest celebration
- Standard issue don of Myr
- Train worker's official garb
- Wooden lamellar
- Bear tamer's blanket
- Braided-leaf cape
- Bright silk draping
- Butcher's blanket
- Cape with marble pattern
- Ceremonial guard's cloak
- Char bear fur cloak
- Cinnabar linen cape
- Cloak with fur hood
- Cobalt cape
- Cobalt Kasa robe
- Common blanket
- Deep cinnabar wrappings
- Deep cobalt leather cloth
- Deep sulphur draping
- Dense braided-reeds cloak
- Elegant pale jade cloak
- Factory-made backpiece
- Fake char cloak
- False Selka drape
- Forestwarden's cloak
- Goat fur blanket
- Hider's blanket
- Hooded umber robe
- Jade cape
- Kasa wrappings
- Leather cape
- Mantle of curious cloth
- Mantle with cute details
- Musician's deep sulphur mantle
- New Foundry skald drape
- Ornate shawl
- Osso style draping
- Pale cinnabar cape
- Pale pink shawl
- Pale umber cloak
- Patterned cape
- Pocket-filled merchant's cloak
- Pupil's mantle
- Reinforced leather mantle
- Skald's cloak
- Smooth silk head shawl
- Soft cinnabar backpiece
- Studded leather cape
- Sulphur mantle
- The late Ihram Sola's backpiece
- Thick goat fur cape
- Thick linen cape
- Thinker's cape
- Time-worn leather cape
- Traditional robe worn at dances
- Traveller's protective wrappings
- Umber robe
- University disciple's standard cloak
- Walker's cloak
- Walker's standard cape
- Warm islander's cloak
- Warm linen mantle
- Waved robe
- Applewood sandals
- Braided leather sandals
- Cinnabar circlet wraps
- Comfortable market soles
- Dancer's shoe
- Deep sulphur boots
- Disciple's standard sandals
- Fig soles
- Fig tree walkers
- High fisher's boots
- Leather boots
- Leather walkers
- Leather wrappings
- Long-toed slippers
- Pale marble walkers
- Pale sulphur sandals
- Sandals
- Soldier's leather wrappings
- Apprentice smith's band
- Bandit's mask
- Beak slippers
- Bear cap
- Broad silk chinband
- Broad sun guard
- Children’s play mask
- Chinband of the Cinnabar Salt Gang
- Cinnabar chinband
- Cinnabar hat
- Cloth cap
- Cloth hat
- Common healer's veil
- Common leather headgear
- Covered rain guard
- Decorated headband
- Deep sulphur mesh veil
- Dense hat of the Soot Spike gang
- Dense leather veil
- Ear-covering fur hat
- Eastern-style hood
- Evening wrappings
- Factory-made headgear
- Fake jade headband
- Farmer's sun guard
- Festive paper headpiece
- Folded soot mask
- Forest mentor's wrappings
- Handwoven wool veil
- Hard hat with a cinnabar chinband
- Hat of the South
- Healer's veil
- Hermit's hood
- Hood
- Hood of the Cinnabar Salt gang
- Hood of the North
- Hood of the Tax Evader
- Long sulphur veil
- Marble headband
- Official cap of the Jade Foot gang
- Old Ruba's decorated hat
- Silk hood
- Spidersilk hat
- Tarnished cobalt hat
- Traditional Myr hat
- Traditional Selka face mask
- Train master's long hat
- Waiter's veil
- Archaeologist's small digging spade
- Apple branch
- Bandit's char long flag
- Branch of apple leaf
- Bundle of farming tools
- Bundle of harvested herbs
- Bundle of rosy twigs
- Carved stick
- Ceramic water jar
- Child's paper fan
- Chunk of rock salt
- Clay jar
- Common flower wreath
- Common thorn branch
- Dockworker's club
- Driftwood decorated with a knot
- Factory-sawed walking stick
- Farm hatchet
- Fur-covered package
- Garden blanket
- Kasan resting cane
- Large bundle of straw
- Long rod with knots
- Piece of coral
- Rod with ward knot
- Wanderer's reed
- Worker's medium hammer
- Almond-tree spoon
- Applewood sample
- Ashwood comb
- Balanced jade handle
- Block of fragrant cedarwood
- Block of rosewood
- Bright oak plate
- Card player's box
- Cedar peg for lutes
- Child's soft comb
- Cinnabar walnut handle
- Delicate jade comb
- Ficus tree box
- Flowering ash peg for lutes
- Kettem splinter
- Pearwood cog
- Rosewood cup
- Rosewood jewellery box
- Shiv handles
- Simple wooden crate
- Simple wooden handle
- Smooth gourd box
- Smooth gourd container
- Solid bright oak lath
- Solid cedar lute tailpiece
- Sturdy freight box
- Sulphur-tinted frame
- Windvoice wheel
- Wootswood belt buckle
Combat Strategy
Recommended Stats:
10 | 10
| 7
Kettem holds a lot of Force and even more with Ward, but their Speed is more to the lower side.
If you want to make it swift, having high Force or a powerful combat skill like Strike of Pale Nights will help wiping them out quickly.
When the Kettem is defeated a golden beam leaves its body and moves upward.
Kettems in
West Wind Shores