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Speed is one of the character stats essential for Combat. It acts as an individual's rapidity in their Initiative and tying Knotspells.

Do note that Speed DOES NOT affect your walking and running speed. That is affected by the Walk Speed Modifier and Run Speed Modifier respectively.

What is Effective Speed?

The Speed stat is affected by the Burden stat, which does the opposite of what Speed does. Because of this, your effective Speed is your current Speed - your Burden.

For example:

Your current stats: 5 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png , 10 ItemSymbol Burden shadow.png

Your effective Speed : 5 - 10 = -5

∴ you have ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png of -5, meaning your initiative and knot tying speed are slower than average.

The most common way to increase your force is through Equipment. But you can also gain them from consumables, skills and buffs from Altars & Shrines.



ItemSymbol Force.png ForceItemSymbol Ward.png WardItemSymbol Speed shadow.png SpeedItemSymbol Burden shadow.png Burden