Warm islander's cloak

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There is a tale we tell our hatchlings, of the clan who Dwelled.
Long ago, a clan ship landed on a warm island where fruits were many and fish would drift ashore of their own will. Life was easy and the clan broke down the ship that had carried many generations of their ancestors, to build unstable huts on the sand. The Wandering Spirit drifted further away from the island and the clan did not follow.
Eventually the clan felt so much part of the land that some begun to sprout roots from their legs. The roots went deep and soon the clan could not move at all.
Some clans today say that they have seen an island with trees that grow feathers instead of leaves.

IlkitUnso, clan ship storyteller



Warm islander's cloak can be used by Seia for the Robe of Crying Winds Quest