West Wind Shores

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Locations west-wind-shores main 01.jpg

Every few seasons new wind voice apprentices arrive from the University...The student are forced to do several seasons of apprenticeship tasks in solitude out here you see...

West Wind Shores, nestled on the northwest coast of the region, serves as a connecting point for Crescent Link, Little Slip, and Travellers' Meadow. Students working under Master Kharimn from Rivenleaf University spend a year at a research outpost monitoring the mystic properties of the winds. [1] One of the unique features of the area are the enigmatic spirits born of halfwinds known as Kettem.



  • Windreaders Hut - A small hut to house the student mystics to study the winds.


  • Keel Cliff
  • Coast of New Winds
  • Western Horn
  • Char Cloud Ridges
  • Harrow Shore
  • Saw Cliff
  • The Sokorahm Wind Delta
  • Ormat Shore
  • The Whisper's Cut
  • Whisper River
  • Calling Cliff
  • Bridge of Abat










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Certain Asken tales name the West Wind as the lonely Wind, born from the breath of an ancient, nameless being into an empty existence where it drifted in agonizing solitude before its siblings could join it.

Vellan Messages

Coming to the West Wind Shores is part of a Mystic's education in Rivenleaf School of History and Higher Education, in fact a little hut was created to give them a safer space to study in. The students here mainly study the winds in this part of Braided Shore.

"They do not "see" as such, but can by some supernatural sense discover living things close to them..."

"Each one appears to have a "heart", a central core inflamed by the half-wind curse that drives them..."

"On occasion the half Winds conjure up a number of smaller kettems instead of a single big one..."

"They have the strength of a raging ox, but are lumberingly slow and quite easy to evade if they attack..."

This lodge was raised by
The University
of Rivenleaf
In the fourth season
the rule of our venerable

Headmaster Almazz

Faded Knot message:

They hid a sea asp in my water
The double crossing bastards!
It got me in the tongue as I bit
its head off!

I can feel the poison
raging through my veins.
I swear
by all the demons of the Barrens!

If I tie in this barren hollow...
I will haunt it until all my betrayers

Dead...dead, DEAD!"
