Shrewd Fisher

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The Shrewd Fisher is a food merchant on West Wind Shores. They appear on the pier near the Windreaders' Hut during the day in rain or shine.



The Shrewd Fisher carries 4-6 items in rotation.

Haggler's Wit

The Shrewd Fisher is interested in Jewellery.

For Sale


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Shrewd Fisher for the first time Find your own fishing spot, hehe! I've been coming here to fish since forever...Every few seasons new wind voice apprentices arrive from the University...The students are forced to do several seasons of apprenticeship tasks in solitude out here you see...The funny, and quite lucrative part of the whole cycle is that the apprentices never, ever know how to ration their food properly. So it does not take long for them to start looking me up to trade for food."
When you speak to the Shrewd Fisher for the second time I have a good setup here, I can tell you. Not bad going for a simple Fisher, eh? Now...How about some fresh fish, Wanderer? Have anything valuable to trade?