Weird Mystic

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You there! Any cheap cider to trade?

The Weird Mystic is disoriented and claims to have travelled forward in space and time. No matter the location, they are always standing in a river.



The Weird Mystic will give you a Rock saltstone in exchange for 3 ciders.


When you speak to the Weird Mystic for the first time Do have I a story to tell, Khelim! You won't believe me! I am...Or used to be...Or perhaps I will be..? A mystic's apprentice....My master is experimenting with time portalling, and I'm the one she sends to test her spells. I must say, portalling back and forth in time has given me a couple of unexpected revelations...The first one is scientific and quite revolutionary...I'm sure you have heard of this new fangled pseudo science called astronomy? Well, colour it pseudo no more! And I am the proof! You might find this hard to believe, but you and I are in fact standing but my master's university laboratory in Rivenleaf! But'HOW CAN THAT BE?', I hear you say...Well, it so happens that it is the WORLD that has changed position through the universe! Every time I portal through time, I appear in a different location from where I cast the spell! You see..? This proves the movement of the heavenly bodies, furthermore I appear more or less along the same axis! I see you understand the implication of this! The planet is travelling in a repeated trajectory! So again, the pioneer astronomer's theories appear correct. I can tell you are stunned by the implication of these facts. This proves your wisdom! Now from one wise individual to another...Do you have any cheap cider to trade? I can offer you the finest matured cider in trade. What say you?
When you speak to the Weird Mystic for the second time Hello! We have met before right? If not we probably will! It's a long story. I'm looking for cheap cider to buy. Got any? I have this ingenious way of maturing cider, it's quite revolutionary. Since I'm risking life and limb for my master and her time portalling experiments...Well, the idea struck me how I could make some serious profit...I buy cheap cider and travel back an age or so to bury it...When I return to the future, the cider is worth many times more! Now, did you have any cheap cider on you or not, friend?


I know the roses should be pruned today...But I just can't get what happened the other day out of my mind...This young mystic just appeared out of thin air, right there in the vegetable garden. The mystic offered to sell me a bottle of vintage cider...He disappeared just as suddenly as he had materialised...I did buy a bottle. Perhaps we can serve it at her ladyship's birthday?