NPCs that only appears in this map but are not always around
"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
There are rumours of a Sefra in The Jade Urn that would rewards experienced Khelims who, unlike you, choose to leave their Braided Shore birth wounds untreated....
The Jade Urn is a dense woodland that can be accessed from the Charwood Forest and Alken Rock Coast maps. Similarly to its neighboring maps, The Jade Urn is among the wildest and most dangerous areas currently available in the game. Bandits, Maisu, and other hostile creatures appear here more frequently than other maps. However, The Jade Urn is also is the site for rare events and wondrous and helpful entities and holds the key to many interesting and important quests.
NPCs that only appears in this map but are not always around
Trader NPCs that only appears in this map but are not always around
NPCs that do not appear all the time and show up in other areas
Trader NPCs that do not appear all the time and show up in other areas