Wildhunt Elder

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Part of the Circle of the Seven, they appear in The Jade Urn randomly at any time or day in the Moon King's Well.


They talk a little on their tribe and appoints you to their members for any assistance.

Only the eldest and the youngest are allowed to speak when the Wild Hunt has begun, outsider. Thus, it falls upon me to welcome you to the Circle of the Seven. We are chosen by the forest to chase and catch the sacred meat that feeds the mothers of our tribe. May your children be strong, outsider. Does your body hunger , you may turn to our Seer for waybread. Have you need of any tools for the hunt, you may turn to our Spear Bearer. Have you need to look the wild forest in the eye, turn to our wolves.

Wish as fortune on our hunt, outsider. We would value it. Walk in the steps of the wild, outsider. Always.