Circle of the Seven

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Circle of the Seven, initially known as The Wildhunters, is a randomly occurring event found in Jade Urn, Moon King's Well, at any time of day.

The Wildhunt Elder and Youth speak to you about the ritual and meaning behind the Wild Hunt. The Wildhunt Spear Bearer and Wildhunt Seer are merchants. She Wolf and He WolfItalic text are also nonthreatening and you can speak to them to receive the Blessed and Determined status.


The Circle of the Seven comes from a tribe that worships nature. Based on their culture, these 7 were chosen by the forest to do The Wild Hunt, a title of their hunt for sacred meat to feed the mothers of their tribe. Before the hunt begins, the 7 members will bathe under the waterfall in the Moon King's Well to "cleanse" their essence of being human and becoming one with the creature they hunt.

Their motto is to Walk in the steps of the wild.


  1. Wildhunt Elder
  2. Wildhunt Tracker
  3. Wildhunt Spear Bearer
  4. Wildhunt Seer
  5. Wildhunt Youth
  6. She Wolf
  7. He Wolf


If you have a Pet treat, you can exchange it with one of the Wolves to get Wolf's tooth, which is essential for The Eye of the Taker's Curse


We are the chosen by the forest to chase and catch the sacred meat that feeds the mothers of our tribe.

Wildhunt Elder

Do you share our custom to take the cleansing before going out on a sacred hunt? Washing away the scent and sentiments of the person...Mimicking what we hunt...Understanding...Becoming...

Wildhunt Youth