Deeplander Mystic

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Good on you to have claimed your own Curse Stone. May it be of good use to you, Nomad.

Deeplander Mystic

Deeplander Mystic is an NPC found in Jade Urn, Moon King's Well, during the Summoning of the Fettered Maisu event.




I see I'm mixing words with a fellow magician...So allow me to extend to you the professional courtesy of telling you about the Curse Stone. It is a unique fragment of the particular demon that this cave makes it possible for me to conjure up from the spirit world. The Curse Stone holds properties unlike any other. If you have the specific talents you can draw much power from it...


When you speak to the Deeplander Mystic without a Curse stone in your inventory the first time. Hello, Nomad. I am Vicnic, journeying Sorcerer heralding from Lost Vale in the Deeplands. I am here on a scientific errand...The combination of the properties of the water and the echoes in this cave make it possible to summon Maisu of a very different temperament than the ones called up by common swearing in other places. The unique Maisu I am researching carries inside it a very special artifact...I don't want to overtax your mind with the details...You are welcome to share the cave with me...As long as your presence does not hinder my work.
When you speak to the Deeplander Mystic without a Curse stone in your inventory the second time. It's not uncommon to find this cave occupied...A group of savage hunters claim it from time to time. I have even heard some creepy laughter from some things bathing here...But I have not yet bothered to explore who they might be.

When you speak to the Deeplander Mystic with a Curse stone in your inventory Good on you to have claimed your own Curse Stone. May it be of good use to you, Nomad.
When you speak to the Deeplander Mystic after you pass their endeavour I see I'm mixing words with a fellow magician...So allow me to extend to you the professional courtesy of telling you about the Curse Stone. It is a unique fragment of the particular demon that this cave makes it possible for me to conjure up from the spirit world. The Curse Stone holds properties unlike any other. If you have the specific talents you can draw much power from it...

Walk By Dialogue

When you talk to the Deeplander Mystic for the first time, without a curse stone in your inventory I'm impressed you got past my maisu, Nomad!

