Dormant Altar

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The altar appears lifeless. Praying might kindle whatever power this altar is dedicated to.

Dormant Altar is an endeavour object that responds to a Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png check (2-9). Once triggered, produces a random Status Effect on the player.

If the effort check is successful, the item is renamed to Active altar.


Known Effects

Effect Name Effect Lore Effect Effect Duration Restrictions
Ward Blessing You are blessed with extra Ward Time limited. Duration scales with Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.
Speed Blessing You are blessed with extra Speed. You gain 1-3 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png Time limited. Duration scales with Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.
Force Blessing You are blessed with extra Force Time limited. Duration scales with Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.
Port blessing You are blessed with Cat Port Similar to Port of the Cat Indefinite Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.

Can only be reversed by performing an Asken Activity

Port blessing You are blessed with Goat Port Similar to Port of the Goat Indefinite Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.

Can only be reversed by performing an Asken Activity

Port blessing You are blessed with Dog Port Similar to Port of the Dog Indefinite Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.

Can only be reversed by performing an Asken Activity

Port blessing You are blessed with Deer Port Similar to Port of the Deer Indefinite Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.

Can only be reversed by performing an Asken Activity

Reinvigorating Blessing You are blessed in a Reinvigorating way. Similar to Blend of Vigor Time limited. Duration scales with Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.
Veil's blessing You are blessed with Veiling Similar to Brew of Veils or Smoke Cylinder Time limited. Duration scales with Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.
Blessed An inner light fills your spirit with Energy Similar to Jade Brew Time limited. Duration scales with Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png Cannot be cancelled before effect expires.
