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The Energy Meter is the red line found in the top left corner of the screen.

When your Energy meter depletes fully, you will lose a Life Petal

Depleting Energy


  • Energy depletes faster if the player character is affected by the Hungry, Tired or Wet Status Effects.
  • Night-time darkness drains your energy.


  • When your Ward is depleted due to parrying, the next enemy hit will drain your Life Energy.
  • If defeated in non-friendly combat the player character will faint, losing one Life Petal and a significant amount of energy.

Restoring Energy

Boosting Energy

  • The Sturdy Frame skill increases the player's maximum energy.


Several Traits have an effect on the energy meter.

Positive Traits:

  • Travellers with the Calm trait gain more energy from food and drink.
  • Travellers with the Peaceful trait gain more energy from resting by a fireplace.
  • Travellers with the Stoic trait lose less energy from bad weather.
  • Travellers with the Tough trait have slightly more energy than folk in general.
  • Travellers with the Venturesome trait lose less energy from walking.

Negative Traits:

  • Travellers with the Fear of the Dark trait lose more energy at night.
  • Travellers with the Gluttony trait replenish slightly less energy from eating food.
  • Travellers with the Moody trait are unable to use positive emotes when low on energy.
  • Travellers with the Self-sacrificing trait gain a little less energy when eating/drinking as a member of a party, while their party members get a little bit more.
  • Travellers with the Travel Sick trait lose energy when riding a boat or a train.
  • Travellers with the Weak Framed trait respawn with less energy after fleeing from combat or fainting.


  • The term Energy is also used in Braided Shore to refer to the effects of magical knots such as Arrow, and mystical forces such as that which powers Kettem.