Sturdy Frame

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

Sturdy Frame is a passive skill. Once the skill is memorized, it takes effect automatically until the skill is unmemorized. The skill will also automatically level as you continue to play the game. When it takes effect, you will often see a sentence "You feel the effect of Sturdy Frame appear at the bottom of the screen and when you unmemorize the skill, you will see the sentence "The effect of Sturdy Frame fades." Or you will see a status effect appear in the upper lefthand corner of your screen. You have been gifted more Energy. Increases Max Energy

Item Description

"A pigheaded person's manifesto." This texts states that physical energy is only partly down to your body's metabolism. Much of it is down to pure pig-headedness. A committed student of these teachings will enjoy the benefits of increased maximum Energy.

Learned Skill Description

Your Superior constitution grants you increased maximum Energy.

Status Effect Description

Study Frame


Similar Skills

See Replenishing Energy