Replenishing Energy

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The player can replenish energy by consuming a consumable item, but those are too numerous to list here. This page lists other skills, abilities, or actions that will replenish Energy or one consumable that has an unusual rate of replenishment.

  1. Jade Brew is a Tea that replenishes a minimum of +100 Energy per 5 seconds for 120 seconds.
  2. Cotery Brew is a Tea that replenishes a minimum of +75 Energy and +1 Endurance for 240 seconds but its effect scales with proximity to other players.
  3. Jolt of Energy is a Knot which replenishes +5000 Energy for a living being targeted within a 50 m radius.
  4. Jolt of Leaping Energy is a Knot that gives all living beings in a 50 m radius a jolt of +3500 Energy
  5. Dormant Altars, Sefra Shrines, and Haunted headstones can give you a Blessed Status Effect which restores the player's energy. You cannot cancel this effect before the blessing runs out.
  6. Consuming an Underbelly breadstick will give you +1 Energy for 600 seconds.
  7. Speaking to the She Wolf gives you a Blessed Status effec that restores your Energy for 600 seconds
  8. Speaking to the He Wolf gives you the Determined Status Effect which replenishes your Energy and Endurance for 600 seconds.
  9. Sturdy Frame is a Passive skill that increases the player's maximum Energy at Level 1 +2500 Energy.