Status Effects

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"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

Not to be confused with Effects, Status Effects are essentially cards that affects your character if you have done something that triggers them.

These cards are shown beside your Energy and Stamina meters.

All Effect Cards

All Effect Cards
Image Description Condition
Night Effect.png Night
Traveling at night has you more cautious

Effect | Stamina depletes faster

Obtained when Night occurs
Wet Effect.png Wet

Your clothes are soaked and the discomfort drains your Energy. Sit by a fire to dry them.
Effect | Energy depletes faster.

Obtained when caught in a rain or wading through water.
BatteredAndBruised Effect.png Battered and Bruised

You have suffered hardship and misfortune. You would benefit from some care and attention.
Effect | ??

Obtained at the beginning of the game.
Hungry Effect.png Hungry
You feel the need to eat something.
Your Energy and Endurance are draining faster.

Effect | Energy and Endurance depletes faster.

Obtained after not consuming any food for some time.
Tired Effect.png Tired

You are worn out and feel the urge to Rest. Your Energy is draining faster and movement is slow
Effect | Energy depletes faster.

Obtained after walking or running for some time, or after a combat encounter.
Sheltered Effect.png Sheltered
You are protected from weather and wind

Effect | Unaffected by rain.

Obtained being under a structure with a roof.
VeryComfortable Effect.png Very Comfortable
You've found a perfect spot to recover

Effect | "Wet" effect is cleared faster + you can use Tea skills

Obtained when standing near a Fireplace
DeerPort Effect.png Port of Deer
You are a deer

Effect | Enemies won't attack you.

Obtained using Port of the Deer or from a Dormant Altar endeavour.
CatPort Effect.png Port of Cat
You are a cat

Effect | Enemies won't attack you + you can now see Ghosts

Obtained using Port of the Cat or from a Dormant Altar endeavour.
CatPort Effect.png Cat
Meow, Mreow, mow. Meeeow!

Effect | Enemies won't attack you + you can see Ghosts

Drinking Blend number three: Catharsis
DogPort Effect.png Port of Dog
You are a dog

Effect | Enemies won't attack you.

Obtained using Port of the Dog or from a Dormant Altar endeavour.
GoatPort Effect.png Port of Goat
You are blessed with Goat Port

Effect | Enemies won't attack you.

Obtained using Port of the Goat or from a Dormant Altar endeavour.
EmptyHand Effect.png Empty Hand

You are now quicker as the burden of weapons does not weight you down.
Effect | Increased Walk + Run Speed modifier, +1 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png

Obtained when you are not holding a weapon.
LackingArmorProficiency Effect.png Lacking Armour Proficiency

You are wearing gear that requires proper training. The benefits your gear could bestow is currently minimal.
Effect | ItemSymbol Ward.png from equipped bodywear is lowered to 1

Obtained if you equip armour without activating Armour proficiency skill.
LackingWeaponProficiency Effect.png Lacking Weapon Proficiency

You are wielding a weapon without the proper training. The benefits your gear could bestow is currently minimal.
Effect | ItemSymbol Force.png from equipped weapon is lowered to 1

Obtained if you wield a sword without activating Weapon proficiency skill.
WoundedConfidence Effect.png Wounded Confidence

Your confidence is dented after fleeing from an overwhelming situation The burden weighs heavy on you
Effect | +2 ItemSymbol Burden shadow.png

Obtained after fleeing from combat
WardCurse Effect.png Ward curse
You are cursed with less Ward.

Effect | -1 ItemSymbol Ward.png

Obtained from a Haunted headstone.
WardBlessing Effect.png Ward blessing

You are blessed with extra Ward.
Effect | +1 ItemSymbol Ward.png

Obtained from a Dormant Altar, Sefra Shrine or Haunted headstone.
ForceCurse Effect.png Force curse
You are cursed with less Force.

Effect | -1 ItemSymbol Force.png

Obtained from a Haunted headstone.
ForceBlessing Effect.png Force blessing
You are blessed with extra Force.

Effect | +1 ItemSymbol Force.png

Obtained from a Dormant Altar, Sefra Shrine or Haunted headstone.
SpeedCurse Effect.png Speed Curse
You are cursed with less Speed.

Effect | -1 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png

Obtained from a Haunted headstone endeavour.
SpeedBlessing Effect.png Speed Blessing
You are blessed with extra Speed.

Effect | +1 ItemSymbol Speed shadow.png

Obtained from a Dormant Altar, Sefra Shrine or Haunted headstone.
BurdenCurse Effect.png Burden curse
You are cursed with extra Burden.

Effect |+1 ItemSymbol Burden shadow.png

Obtained from a Haunted headstone.
ReinvigoratingBlessing Effect.png Reinvigorating Blessing
You are blessed in a Reinvigorating way.

Effect | Increases your Stamina recovery, dispels "Tired" effect

Obtained from a Dormant Altar or Haunted headstone endeavour.
CollectiveStrengths Effect.png Collective Strengths

Effect | Showcases the group's collective Talent numbers.

Obtained when you are in a group.
GotMugged Effect.png Got Mugged
Your backpack is lighter, and your confidence is a little worce for wear.

Effect | ??

Obtained if you got mugged by bandits or outlaws.
Cursed Effect.png Cursed
You are weakened by a curse

Effect | +10 ItemSymbol Burden shadow.png & -1 All Talents

Obtained if you have been cursed by The Eye of the Taker
FurikumSeeds Effect.png Seafury Curse
You are cursed by the Ghost Captain

Effect | +2 ItemSymbol Burden shadow.png

Obtained when talking to the Ghost Captain the 1st time.
GhostSmoke.png Ghost Smoke
Your mind and spirit expands, but the toll on your body is immense.

Effect | Able to talk to the Ghosts in The Underbelly

Obtained after exchanging the needed ingredients to the Mystic Cauldron
GhostSmoke.png Dragon Weed
You are affected by the smoke from the Mystic Cauldron.

Effect | See here

Obtained if Pouch of Dragon Weed are consumed.
Nausea.png Nausea
Something stirs deep in your gut. You just might retch, or be doomed to carry this unease for a while.

Effect | You can't run.

Obtained if you eat something rotten or not edible.
Nausea.png Nauseous
That tea did not sit well with your gut...

Effect | You can't run.

Obtained if you drink Blend number two: Radiant Riverboat in Clearing
EE 0028 Boonofdrownedthings.png Boon of drowned things
The feeling of a million drowned things clinging to your wet skin hastens your step.

Effect | Walk speed is boosted x2.5 if the player is also affected by the 'Wet' status effect.

Obtained while the Sodden boon is equipped.
FurikumSeeds Effect.png Furikum Seeds

You have consumed some Furikum seeds and can now move faster
Effect | Walk and Run speed is boosted x1.4.

Obtained if Furikum seeds are consumed.
Blessed Effect.png Blessed

An inner light fills your spirit with Energy
Effect |??

Obtained from a Dormant Altar, Sefra Shrine and Haunted headstone.
Vial Effect.png Plum Wine

You are filled with a warm sense of humanity and spiritual insight
Effect | +1 Endeavour Symbol Social.png +1 Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png

Obtained after consuming Zi's plum wine
DrankTea Effect.png Displaced
Wait, what just happened?!

Effect |Transports the player to Outhouse (Bat Saha)

Teapot "Saha special" in Clearing
EVE 0017 DrainEnergyEnduranceStamina.png Enfeebling curse
You are cursed in an Enfeebling way.

Effect |Energy and Stamina depletes faster

Obtained from a Haunted headstone.
EVE 0010 GroupInvisibility.png Veil's blessing
You are blessed with Veiling.

Effect |Makes everyone invisible

Obtained from a Dormant Altar.
Your eyes have been opened to see Ghosts

Effect | You can see ghosts and Maisu

Obtained if you
  1. Cast Align
  2. Cast Unveil
  3. Cast Port of the Cat
  4. Drink Brew of Land and Sea
  5. Equiping Grim blade
  6. Eat Tearberry
  7. Have the Sensitive Trait