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"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

Effects are penalties, boons, or neutral factors that affect Khelims.

Effect Cards show active Effects and can be hovered over to obtain more information about the displayed Effect. Effect Cards are displayed at the top left of the game window, but not all Effects will display an Effect Card when active.

Types of Effects:

  • General
  • Event
  • Skill
  • Quest

General Effects

Sources of General Effects:

  • Consumables
  • Environment
  • Khelim actions
  • Groups
Effect Name Effect Nature Effect Source Source Category Effect Card Note Effect Start Notification Effect End Notification
Wet Penalty Drains Energy Rain Environment Your clothes are soaked and the discomfort drains your energy. Sit by a fire to dry them. Your clothes are soaked. Rest by a fire to dry them. You are dry.
Moving into or through a substantial amount of water for a substantial amount of time Khelim Action
Sheltered Boom Protected from weather and wind
Indoors, under a large tree or weather shield Environment You are protected from weather and wind. You are protected from weather and wind. You are no longer sheltered.
Tired Penalty
Drains Energy and slows movement Participating in a battle or walking a long distance Khelim Action You are worn out and feel the urge to rest. Your energy is draining faster and your movement is slow. You are tired, and feel the need to rest. You are no longer tired.
Harsh Weather Penalty Drains Energy Bad weather Environment The weather drains your energy. Seeking shelter will protect you. The weather drains you. The weather no longer drains you.
Night Unknown Unknown Night Environment Traveling at night has you more cautious. And so, the shiver of the night has appeared. The morning sun has vanquished the night.
Hungry Penalty Drains Energy and Endurance Not consuming an appropriate edible Khelim Action You feel the need to eat something. Your energy and Endurance are draining faster. You feel the need to eat something. You are no longer hungry.
Nauseous Unknown Unknown On a boat in motion Environment Something stirs deep in your gut. You just might retch, or be doomed to carry this unease for a while. None None
Consuming an inappropriate edible that is not a blowfish Consumable
Empty Hand Boon Increases Speed No weapon is equipped Khelim Action You are now quicker as the burden of weapons does not weigh you down. You are quicker as the burden of weapons does not weigh you down. You are no longer empty handed.
Lacking Weapon Proficiency Unknown Unknown Equipping a weapon without Memorizing Weapon Proficiency Khelim Action You are wielding a weapon without the proper training. The benefits your gear could bestow is currently minimal. You have equipped something you're not proficient with - you will not get all its benefits.
Group Unknown Unknown In a Group Group You are now travelling as part of a group.
None None
Near Fireplace Unknown Dries wet apparel Being near a lit Fireplace Environment You have found a perfect spot to recover. You feel the warmth of a nearby fire. The warmth has dimmed.
Drank Tea Boon Restores Energy Drank generic Tea from a Teahouse permanent kettle Khelim Action You feel good from drinking Tea. It refreshes your Endurance.
Bad Confidence Unknown Unknown Fled from Combat Khelim Action Your confidence is dented after fleeing from an overwhelming situation. The burden weighs heavy upon you. Your confidence is damaged. You feel some confidence coming back.
Got Mugged Unknown Unknown Chose to pay when mugged Khelim Action Your backpack is lighter, and your confidence is a little worse for wear. Your backpack is lighter, and your confidence is a little dented. You feel some confidence coming back.
Group Stats Unknown Unknown In a Group Group Collective Strengths
Gulf Weed Unknown Unknown Consumed Gulf Weed Consumable Your mind is hyper focused while your body and spirit suffers.
Battered and Bruised Unknown Unknown Starting Character Effect Khelim Action You have suffered hardship and misfortune. You would benefit from some care and attention. You feel Battered and Bruised. You feel reinvigorated.
Lacking Armour Proficiency Unknown Unknown Equipping armour without Memorizing Armour Proficiency Khelim Action You are wearing gear that requires training to use. The benefits your gear could bestow is currently minimal. You have equipped something you're not proficient with - you will not get all its benefits.
Received Motivation Unknown Unknown Talked to a motivator Khelim Action A rising sense of determination restores your Energy and Endurance. You feel determined.
Discombobulated Unknown Unknown Jumped off a train Khelim Action A pulsing ache in your skull. Your vision blurring at the edges. These are sometimes the rewards of being a risk-taker.
Increased Walk/Run Speed Boon Increases Speed Consumed Furikum Seeds Consumable You have consumed some Furikum seeds and can now move faster. Your heartbeat and running speed increases noticeably. You feel fast yet somehow more physically fragile. Your heartbeat returns to its normal pace.
Vial of Lilith's Cobalt Brew Boon Ward +1 Consumed a Vial of Lilith's Cobalt Brew Consumable Your Ward is increased.
Vial of Lilith's Cinnabar Brew Boon Force +1 Consumed a Vial of Lilith's Cinnabar Brew Consumable Your Force is increased.
Vial of Viper's Lash Boon Speed +4 Consumed a Vial of Viper's Lash Consumable Your Speed is increased.
Vial of concentrated Lilith's Cobalt Brew Boon Ward +3 Consumed a Vial of concentrated Lilith's Cobalt Brew Consumable Your Ward is increased.
Vial of fortified Lilith's Cinnabar Brew Boon Force +3 Consumed a Vial of concentrated Lilith's Cinnabar Brew Consumable Your Force is increased.
Vial of spiked Viper's Lash Boon Speed +8 Consumed a Vial of spiked Viper's Lash Consumable Your Speed is increased.
Vial of Jade Brew Boon Increases energy Consumed a Vial of Jade Brew Consumable Your Energy is being replenished.
Vial of Vigour Boon Increases Stamina recovery speed Consumed a Vial of Vigour Consumable Your Stamina now recovers quicker.
Vial of Flower Mark Boon Increases Trade Consumed a Vial of Flower Mark Consumable Your flowery charm now grants you better deals.
Vial of Unyielding Might Boon Physicality +1 Consumed a Vial of Unyielding Might Consumable Your Physicality Talent has improved.
Vial of The Undying Spirit Boon Spirituality +1 Consumed a Vial of The Undying Spirit Consumable Your Spirituality Talent has improved.
Vial of Unyielding Logic Boon Mechanics +1 Consumed a Vial of Unyielding Logic Consumable Your Mechanical Talent has improved.
Vial of Unyielding Charm Boon Sociality +1 Consumed a Vial of Unyielding Charm Consumable Your Sociality Talent has improved.
Unlabeled Vial Burden +2
Force +2
Consumed an Unlabeled Vial Consumable You feel weirdly sluggish and heavy handed.
Unlabeled Vial Force +2
Ward -2
Consumed an Unlabeled Vial Consumable You feel strangely heavy handed and vulnerable.
Unlabeled Vial Ward -2
Speed +6
Consumed an Unlabeled Vial Consumable
You feel oddly quick and fragile.
Plum Wine Boon Sociality +1
Spirituality +1
Consumed Plum Wine Consumable You are filled with a warm sense of humanity and spiritual insight.

Event Effects

Sources of Event Effects:

  • Dormant Altars
  • Sefra Shrines
  • Haunted Headstones

Skill Effects

Sources of Skill Effects:

  • Teas
  • Knots
  • Abilities
  • Passives

Quest Effects

Sources of Quest Effects: