Port of the Cat

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Skill E Port of the Cat Medium.png

This knot allows you to take the form of a black cat.

When casting the knot, a single spark comes from above and lands in a mass of golden clouds which hide your form. When the clouds clear, you are now in Cat Form. The narration reads "You feel the effect of Port of the Cat." You also gain the Port of the Cat Status Effect.

To end the effects of the knot, you can either click on the status effect or perform an action that a person would do such as speak to an NPC or interact with an item or object. Eating an item from your inventory will not affect this status. You may travel to different maps without changing back into an Asken person.

Cancelling Port of the Cat causes a mass of red and gold four pointed sparks to radiate from your cat form and you transform back into a person. A sentence at the bottom of the screen reads "The effect of Port of the Cat fades."

Being in Cat Form gives you the ability of Seeing the dead, enabling you to perceive supernatural creatures otherwise not visible to Asken people without aid.

Item Description

Unbinding this Knot will transform the knot-binder into a cat. Only by performing Asken folk actions can the spell be reversed.

Learned Skill Description

This spell Transforms the binder into a cat. Only by performing Asken actions can you reverse the spell.

Status Effect Description

"You are a cat".


Similar Skills


When in cat form, NPCs may react to the enchantment, not with fear, but by telling you that you are cute.