Besides being a crucial corner-stone for your roleplaying experience, your wanderer's personality traits will affect a great variety of situations. Positive traits will grant you benefits in certain aspects of your travels and can often, with clever use, be used to your advantage. Your negative traits, on the other hand, may at times disadvantage or hinder your pursuits.
Might and Delight
Positive Traits
“You lead a life of physical conditioning and activity - you move quicker in water than other folk.”
“You excel at managing your energies and tend to choose the middle ground rather than all or nothing solutions - you gain more energy from food and drink than other folk.”
“You have a risk averse nature and a habit of keeping your guard up - you will get a notion when dangers are close.”
“You show genuine concern and empathy for others - your healing of those other than yourself is uncommonly potent.”
“You have a way of presenting yourself in a pleasant and delightful manner - slightly better trading (increases value of own goods).”
“You devote yourself to intellectual and spiritual meditation - you gain some knowledge from losing a fight.”
“Yours is an imaginative mind with a knack for finding original ideas to solve problems - you have faster cooldown when unlearning known skills.”
“Others find your ways mysterious and puzzling - the effects from tea you brew last a bit longer than normal.”
“You never let your decisions get clouded by emotion or prejudice - you get a notion when night is approaching.”
“Yours is an enthusiastic soul that is more than willing to go the extra distance - you can run faster than other folk and are too eager to walk slowly.”
“You are good at comprehending the feelings and needs of others - you’re accepted into a party a little faster than other folk.”
“You are able to fully concentrate on the task at hand - cooldown on unlearning skills is lower for you than for others.”
“You believe that everyone deserves not only a second chance, but a third one as well - you gain knowledge when someone leaves your group.”
“You have modest pretensions and a low estimate of your own importance - you display a smaller Aura than folk in general.”
“Your soul breathes creativity and inventiveness - you get a notion when a Sefra is near.”
“Dedication to study, research or other supernatural means grant you superior general knowledge - you retain some of the knowledge of honed skills when you forget them.”
“When things come down to dumb luck, things tend to swing your way - vehicles wait a little longer.”
“You are naturally adept at observing your surroundings - you can pan your view a bit further than others.”
“In spite of the off setback your heart is committed to hope and progress - you gain even more knowledge when winning against bad odds.”
“Your ‘Can do!’ attitude towards your companions removes many obstacles in your way - you run faster when you are a member of a party.”
“You are willing to wait for what you need - you gain a little knowledge when resting for long periods.”
“Guided by your inner compass you accept yourself and the world around you as they are - when resting by a fire, you gain more energy than other folk.”
“You know how to prioritise and disregard useless and unimportant details for the sake of reaching more important goals - you travel faster on roads than other folk.”
“You can contemplate for days, dissecting each thought to get to the truth - you uncover maps faster than others.”
“You are untiringly committed to the task at hand and never accept failure as an option - your spirit is more likely to live on in ghost form.”
“You are convinced of everybody’s equal worth - you can give items to other players more quickly than others.”
Game Update - April 5, 2022: "players will now have a chance of retaining a small amount of reagents when brewing tea of their wind affinity."
“Your strong self-control allows you to reveal yourself only at the opportune moment - it takes longer for others to reveal your Aura.”
“You value the twosome ideal greatly, and strive to come as close as possible to fulfilling it - you gain more knowledge in parties of two.”
You are very sensitive to the presence and judgement of others - you can see other players ghosts on the map. THIS GAMEPLAY EFFECT NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
“You are uncommonly resilient and don’t let strife or temptation unbalance you - you lose less energy from bad weather.”
“Your wily ways make you challenging for others to detect or to describe - you cannot be detected with night vision.”
“You have developed painstaking attention to detail - you have a chance to receive more Reagents when picking them.”
“You have the rare ability to tolerate adverse conditions without flagging - you have slightly more energy than folk in general.”
“You have a high tolerance for ambiguity and expect folk to be dependable and predictable - the healing you receive from others has greater effect.”
“You decide for yourself where to seek new experiences, rather than following ways of the pack - you lose less energy from walking.”
“You are constantly on the lookout for danger or opportunity - others’ Auras appear more quickly to you.”
Negative Traits
“You feel an excessive need to elevate yourself above others - enemy Auras appear weaker than they are.”
“You sometimes suffer crippling coughing attacks - you become slowed or stopped for a short duration if the whole stamina bar is depleted.”
Bad Barterer
“You are clueless when it comes to haggling for goods - trading is more expensive when pressing the ‘Suggest trade’-button.”
Bad Packer
“You are unable to wrap your head around the art of packing your bag effectively - stacks of belongings can hold fewer of the same item in your inventory.”
Bad Sight
“You suffer from poor eyesight - it’s harder for you to notice reagents and things you can collect.”
“You are overly reliant on others to meet your emotional and physical needs - you deal slightly less damage in combat when not a member of a party.”
“You are prone to lose your bearings and easily get lost - you re-spawn further away from where you feinted or fled combat if you are not part of a group.”
“You have difficulty reading and identifying how speech sounds relate to letters and words - knots and letters are scrambled when reading.”
Fast talker
“You tend to relate a lot of information in a short time - your emotes are visible for a shorter time than normal.”
Fear of Death
“You fear death much more than folk in general - you get dealt a fear effect debuff card when you are on your last life.”
Fear of Ghosts
“Spirits from behind holds nothing but terrors for you - you get dealt a fear effect de-buff card after seeing a ghost.”
Fear of the Dark
“For you, every night is a valley of fear - you lose more energy at night.”
“You are absent-minded and easily distracted - map symbols for treasures are slightly offset.”
“You are devoted to eating and drinking in excess - food replenishes slightly less energy.”
“You are bad tempered and gruff - it takes longer than normal to join groups.”
“You suffer from poor confidence and feelings of low self-worth - enemy strengths signal greater threats than that of actual reality.”
“You have a deep need for connection with others - you will trigger sad emotes at random when there are no folk around to connect with.”
“You lack any sense of order and keep your belongings in a cluttered mess - items do not always automatically sort themselves into stacks of the same item when collected.”
“You are an incurable grumbler - when you are low on energy you are unable to use positive emotes.”
“You only focus on keeping track of the most important things in life - you may lose an item of the lowest quality when fainting.”
Picky Eater
“You refuse to eat anything but the finest far - you are unable to eat low quality food.”
When trying to eat poor quality edible the message appears:
As a picky eater, this "food" is not to your tastes
“Carrying the burdens of others comes naturally to you - you gain a little less energy when eating/ drinking as a member of a party, while your party members get a little bit more.”
“Getting attention fills you with dread of embarrassing yourself - your emote icons are smaller than others.”
“Waking up is a long and dreary process for you - you move sluggishly, and cannot run after logging in or after resting.”
Sore Loser
“You take every setback as a personal affront - after fainting, you lose the ability to pan, run and use any emotions other than angry for a short time. Resting causes this effect to diminish faster.”
“You are physically unable to leave a mess unsorted - you may only place items next to each other in your pack.”
“Your body needs some time to warm up before reaching full capacity - running ramps up instead of being instant.”
“You have a hard time relaxing - you regain less endurance by resting.”
Travel Sick
“Travelling in a rocky or wavy motion does not agree with you - you lose energy when riding a boat or a train.”
“Can’t turn the ‘seeing a friend die’ card to a positive buff.”
“Your time is too valuable to waste on sorting your belongings - objects may randomly move around in your pack.”
“You don’t measure things in ones and twos - you use pinches or handfuls.”
“Heavy burdens oppress you more than other folk - you suffer additional penalties for carrying heavy armour.”
Weak Framed
“Your physical frame is just not built as solidly as other folks’ - you respawn with less energy after fleeing from combat or fainting.”